Friday, September 20

Arquímides Rivero, the telenovela czar, dies at 91



Cuban actor and television and radio producer Arquímides Rivero , who was behind of popular Venezuelan teleseries that earned him to be recognized as the “czar of telenovelas”, died this Thursday at 60 years in Miami (Florida) , according to local media.

Rivero was born on 30 April 1930 in Pinar del Río, in western Cuba, where he took his first steps as an actor radio drama.

At the end of the decade of 1940 He moved to Havana to work on radio dramatizations at RHC Cadena Azul, according to Miami’s Diario de las Américas today.

Then, expand the newspaper, he was the leading man who accompanied the famous Cuban actress Gina Cabrera , founder of television on the island, in CMQ Radio.

Also in Cuba she belonged to the cast of “El suceso de día”, a program where Celia Cruz acted and sang verses.

As a young man, Rivero became part of the cast of “Los tres villalobos” , a very popular adventure series that appeared on Cuban radio in 1943 and that was on the air for more than 20 years.

After settling in Venezuela, in 1954, Rivero was hired by Radio Rumbo, where he participated in the famous radio drama “Martín Valiente, the godson of death ”, among other works that made history on Venezuelan radio, is reviewed by the Miami Herald.

In 1969, already in his role as producer, he was hired by Radio Caracas Televisión, where he produced telenovelas t still successful as “La usurpadora”, “Doménica Montero” and “La indomable”.

After moving to Miami “several decades ago”, according to the same media, as The producer put his masterful hand in co-productions by Fonovideo and Venevisión such as “La mujer de mi vida”, and “Enamorada”.

The czar of the Venezuelan soap opera Don Arquímedes Rivero passed away. Goodbye, Martín Valiente. See you soon friend. You will be missed Arquímedes Rivero “, wrote on Instagram the Venezuelan actor Franklin Virgüez.

Many of us are the actors that we owe part of our careers to this Cuban who came to Venezuela over the years 50 and stay in our country to love it infinitely. Thank you “, added the actor.

For his part, in an obituary on his YouTube channel, the Medio MundoUR pointed to Rivero as “a key figure in the history of the telenovela in Venezuela” and described him as “the zar” of this genre.