Saturday, September 28

Three-year-old boy dies after being crushed by a wooden “mountain”; He is the first to die from an earthquake

A three-year-old boy who lived in an indigenous community in the province of Condorcanqui is the first reported deceased as a result of the 7.5 magnitude earthquake registered in Peru , reported the health authority of the Amazon region.

Some 50 wooden boards three meters long and seven centimeters wide fell due to the earthquake on the little one and caused a multiple trauma “, declared the regional director of Health in the northern region from Amazonas, Elías Bohórquez, to RPP Noticias.

The doctor confirmed the death of the minor due to multiple trauma , given that the earthquake caused a violent earthquake that caused the wooden planks stored in the house where the minor lived with his family to fall.

Bohórquez indicated that 12 Health facilities are totally inoperative, out of a total of 26 affected by the earthquake in that jungle region.

More than 2,376 victims

According to the last report of the National Emergency Operations Center (COEN), the victims of the earthquake are more than 2, 376, while the wounded are 16, one of them with cranial brain trauma.

The affected population has been left homeless, since the earthquake destroyed 117 houses and left 376 uninhabitable homes due to irreparable damage.

Others 764 buildings were damaged with partial cracks, most of them rustic adobe constructions whose structure ture gave way to the earthquake.

The earthquake also destroyed five churches and a health center and damaged others 20 religious temples

and others 32 health facilities, in addition to 13 schools.

Road collapses

There are more than 1.5 kilometers of roads destroyed at various points and more than 5 kilometers affected by landslides and landslides that have blocked some of the main communication arteries of the Peruvian Amazon.

Although damages are registered in nine regions of Peru and in two locations in southern Ecuador, most are concentrated in the northern Peruvian department of Amazonas, where the epicenter was located, 98 kilometers east e of the town of Santa María de Nieva.

The president of Peru, Pedro Castillo, has remained in the area since the same Sunday, who arrived at the most affected places to attend first-hand to the population and coordinate aid and evacuations .

“This whole area is totally collapsed (…) If we don’t go out, we will have dire consequences,” Castillo said while checking the state of a sector of the highway Fernando Belaúnde Terry , the most important in the Peruvian Amazon, which was destroyed.

They fear a river overflow

Castillo also flew over the areas surrounding the village of El Aserradero, where the landslide of a hill is causing a sudden reservoir of the Utcubamba river that puts the inhabitants of the area at risk from the threat of an imminent overflow.

“I call on the population to take shelter, we are going to evacuate them. They must go to a safe place. We want them to understand that, above the house and the farm (field), there is life “, he said.

The earthquake originated on Sunday at 5: 52 local time (04: 52 GMT) at a great terrestrial depth of 131 kilometers, which reduced its destructive power on the surface but amplified the range of its seismic wave to a wide geographical area that covered part of South America and made it felt even in Lima, Quito and Leticia (Colombia).

Read more:

Earthquake in Peru: Four injured and almost 900 victims

The scandal in Peru over the discovery of $ 20, dollars in the presidential secretary’s bathroom