Saturday, September 28

Octavio Ocaña's sister dedicates heartbreaking message to a month after the actor's death

This 29 November marks one month of the tragic death of the actor Octavio Ocaña , who won the affection of the public thanks to his character as “Benito Rivers” in the series ‘Neighbors’, that is why Bertha Pérez Ocaña , his sister, remembered him with a heartbreaking message posted on social networks .

It was through her Instagram profile, where the young woman from 28 years moved the show that sadness is still present, because the unexpected death of his brother left a huge void in his life.

“Today is 1 month after your departure and I still cannot understand it, I am still full of sadness and helplessness why I lost what I loved the most in my life , my best example , my strength, my friend, my brother, my advisor, my protector, my everything, it hurts and hurts more and more and more and it is an inexplicable pain “, he expressed.

In addition, she said she was sure that he would never have wanted to cause them so much suffering, because he was always a loving person and concerned about the welfare of others , especially that of his family. Despite this, he is confident that one day they will be able to meet again.

“I know that you would never have left this emptiness or this pain and if you could have avoided this great pain, you do it because if something characterized you it was your humanity, you were more human than anyone, I trust that today you are the most beautiful angel in heaven, the brightest star , my greatest angel and I dream of closing my eyes one day and seeing you again ”, he added to the moving message that has received hundreds of expressions of affection.

Before ending with the affectionate phrase: “ I love you chubby “, as she liked to call him, Bertha stressed that her dear brother It will always be the most important thing in your life even though you are physically gone, as it will continue to be eternal in your soul and in every second of your life.

However, this is not It has been everything, because the affection of his fans continues to be present in the place where he lost his life in the past 28 of October , where dozens of white flowers and balloons with which the actor is remembered have arrived.

Likewise, they approach the small makeshift altar to pray and express their support for the family, as can be seen in an image shared by Bertha Ocaña through the stories of the same social network.

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