Sunday, September 29

Audit of Jenni Rivera's company would reflect travel expenses and high salaries for Juan Rivera and Rosie Rivera

Se dan a conocer supuestos detalles de la auditoría que le realizaran a Juan Rivera y Rosie Rivera por el manejo de la empresa de Jenni Rivera.
Alleged details of the audit carried out on Juan Rivera and Rosie Rivera for the management of Jenni Rivera’s company are disclosed.

Photo: David Buchan. / Getty Images

TV y Novelas magazine revealed that supposedly the audit that was carried out on the company of the late singer Jenni Rivera, managed by her brothers Rosie Rivera and Juan Rivera , showed travel expenses that had nothing to do with company activities and also very high salaries for Juan Rivera , who was in charge of all the musical part, and for Rosie Rivera , executor of the itself.

According to the media, to this are also added several decisions that were made around the company of Jenni Rivera and that they were supposedly not consulted with the five children of “La Diva de la Band ”: Chiquis Rivera , Jacqie Rivera, Mike Marin, Johnny Lopez and Jenicka Lopez . The magazine TV y Novelas described the spending of money as a: “Millionaire waste.”

A few days ago, the little brother of Chiquis Rivera , Johnny Rivera , responded to a follower on Instagram, who asked him about the audit, that he could not say anything yet , claiming that he would find out at the time, but that: “It was something very bad” , without anticipating anything else. As for his sister Jacqie Rivera , who would become the new executor of Jenni Rivera’s company , has not given statements like Chiquis Rivera , but supposedly he would have stopped talking to his uncle Juan Rivera .

A few days ago the latter instigated his nephews to show the audit and said that, if something bad came out in them, that: “I accepted go to jail”. But the children of Jenni Rivera remain silent in that sense and the only one who has spoken is It is precisely the one that has released few, but forceful details of the differences between the Rivera family in that sense, Johnny Lopez .

However, so far there is no official response from the children of Jenni Rivera. Even after Juan Rivera spoke through his “Live” on Instagram and through some few interviews he has given, the children of one of the most important singers of the Mexican regional genre have remained silent regarding this issue.

Keep reading:

VIDEO: Juan gives little-known details of the death of his sister, Jenni Rivera

The day Juan Rivera got into a fight with a Jenni fan

Look at the photo of Jenni Rivera with her brothers many years ago

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