Monday, September 30

A farmer sells turkey eggs, instead of selling the birds to protect them

Un granjero dice que los pavos pueden interactuar con los humanos y ha preferido preservarlos.
A farmer says that turkeys can interact with humans and has preferred to preserve them.

Photo: Brett Sayles / Pexels

John Jones is a farmer who has been raising birds on his property in Plant City, Florida, but does not sell the birds to be slaughtered and consumed . Jones sells and gives away turkey eggs to people in the community.

The farmer is intended to preserve endangered turkeys . He told Spectrum Bay News 9 that he has hundreds of birds, slightly more than 20 different breeds and that some of these races are ancient times.

turkeys are emotional, intelligent and social animals ”

Jones notes that raising birds helps keep you busy and gives you purpose. Ensures that you interact with turkeys and can form a relationship with them. “ It just doesn’t feel good to kill and eat them , but I know we have to do that to eat. I am happy to take care of them. ”

The Florida farmer is not the only one who believes that it is better to spare the life of a turkey and that it is possible to interact with them. In the days leading up to Thanksgiving, actor Joaquin Phoenix called on people to do not eat turkey and I invite you to symbolically adopt a bird through Farm Sanctuary.

The actor and his girlfriend Rooney Mara also said that it is chilling that millions of turkeys are brutally euthanized during the Christmas season, which must be a moment gratitude and goodwill.

Turkey eggs are completely edible

Farmer Jones has chosen to protect turkeys and take advantage of their eggs as food. Ensures have a good taste and are seen as a delicacy.

The University of British Columbia (UBC) explains that turkey eggs have a creamy consistency similar to duck eggs and a mottled complexion like quail eggs. He even points out that they would be a very interesting and perhaps even beautiful accompaniment to a turkey dinner.

Although turkey eggs are edible they are not as widely consumed. . Patty Fuhs of Turkey Downs, a turkey farm in Montgomery, Indiana, told the WFYI organization that most turkey farmers use turkey eggs to produce more turkeys in instead of selling them .

The reason they are not commonly traded turkey eggs may be primarily due to profitability. According to the UBC, expenses related to accommodation (turkeys take up more space) and feeding would be considerably higher for turkey eggs compared to chicken eggs.

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