Friday, September 20

The runoffs on La Palma have diverted the rivers on the island and endanger the coastal areas

El volcán lleva más de 2 meses en erupción en La Palma.
The volcano has been erupting on La Palma for more than 2 months.

Photo: RAMON DE LA ROCHA / Getty Images



The Spanish island of La Palma today faces a new risk linked to the volcano: the eruption has diverted the water courses, so the rains that fall on the island can endanger some coastal areas .

Once the activity of the new fissure stopped, which on Thursday generated a river of lava which swept away everything in its path, now the focus is on the need to improve rainwater evacuation, so the experts study what hydrological works to carry out in Los Llanos de Aridane to re-channel the waters and correct the channels.

Images from Tacande to 10. 15 Canary time. Jet and degassing in the volcanic building / Images from Tacande at 10. 15 am Canarian time. Jet and degassing in the volcanic edifice

– INVOLCAN (@involcan) November 26, 2021

And it is that the State Meteorological Agency (Aemet) of Spain has raised this Friday to orange (important risk) the warning in the eastern region of La Palma due to heavy to very strong rainfall accompanied by a storm, which is expected to remit during the next local dawn, and on Saturday it is expected to rain moderately .

Faced with this situation, the Canary Islands Special Volcanic Risk Protection Plan (Pevolca ) asked the population to avoid areas of troughs and rainwater evacuation due to the serious damage that the rain could cause and the ce Nice in case of heavy or very heavy rainfall exceeding 15 millimeters per hour or 60 up to date.

Regarding the new fissure located on Thursday to the south of the main cone of the Cumbre Vieja volcano, the Pevolca reported that it has no visible activity and is stopped, although it will continue to monitor, and specified that it is not a new eruption, but rather a fissure in which several emission centers are aligned .

The reopening of an eruptive focus on the eastern flank of the cone has led to the advance of the casting 10, which on Thursday passed over a cemetery, a field of solar panels and “quite a few” single-family homes, to then advance on previous castings.

Since the 15 September the volcano will erupt, 1,092 hectares have been affected by magma .

The southern lava delta has 48. 04 hectares, while the northern one extends 5. 05 hectares.

According to the cadastre, there are 1, 212 buildings destroyed by lava, of which 1, 212 for residential use and 161 for agricultural use .

Regarding seismicity, the deep and intermediate remain at low values ​​compared to weeks previous s and tremor is also low, although with spikes.

Scientists see likely that felt earthquakes will continue to occur, that can reach intensity V-VI and cause small landslides in areas of slopes .

The trend in the emission of sulfur dioxide is also downward, the deformation is stabilized and the activity of the airport possibly it can be recovered on Saturday.

On the emission of carbon dioxide, point out that Thursday was five times the average of the background levels , which, according to experts, did not represents in principle a problem for the population.

The good news is air quality: in all island stations there are good or reasonably good data os, both in particles and gases .

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