Monday, September 23

Learn about the Maradona effect that continues to whip Dorados de Sinaloa and fills the pockets of the Mexican club

El club mexicano pretende hacer un tour en el estadio en honor a Maradona.
The Mexican club intends to tour the stadium in honor of Maradona.

Photo: RASHIDE FRIAS / AFP / Getty Images



Every time the deceased Diego Armando Maradona is a trend or a new series of hers is released, the Dorados de Sinaloa , which he directed from September 2019 to May po that the team considers that they will always be the Argentine team in Mexico.

Whenever something happens from Maradona, there is a flick towards Dorados. There is an increase in visits, interactions, growth in social networks, t-shirt sales. If there is a tribute to Diego in Italy or there is a new series, it causes an impact ”, explained this Friday to Efe the marketing and communication manager of the second division team, Javier Llausás .

A sample that the executive puts is that the death of Maradona in the past 25 November 2020 caused the Dorados’ shirts to be sold out in the online store with sales to Italians or Argentines, who are the third most visited nationality on their social networks.

“Many say that we should forget about it, but every time it is their birthday or a special date or something happens, Dorados will be there because you can’t not do it, we are Diego Maradona’s team in Mexico and that is why we always have the impact “, he added .

The world champion in Mexico 1986 was less than a year in Sinaloa, time in which he achieved two runners-up in the promotion division , but at a commercial level it grew exponentially to Dorados.

The Sinaloa club has 11 years of history and never, not even with the signing of Pep Guardiola in 2018, received the world’s attention to the extent of signing a contract with Netflix to become the first and so far only team in Mexico with a series on the platform , “Maradona in Sinaloa”.

Netflix paid for the series, it wasn’t free. That series paid more than many backers . Dorados had always wanted to have a series and when you’re in second grade it’s complicated. Diego made there a line, there were up to four proposals, “said Llausás.

The series was one of the factors to become” in a cult team ”and that even after Maradona’s departure, T-shirts were sold in various parts of the world and that people visit the team stadium.

The marketing expert assured that the fact that Maradona continues to be associated with Dorados has allowed them to better negotiate with sponsors . Even two of the four brands that arrived with the signing of the Argentine remain in the team, times complicated by the economic crisis of the covid – 19 .

In the future, the idea of ​​the commercial area of ​​Dorados is to exploit the history of the former Napoli player with a tour in the stadium in which there will be an area in which his figure and that of other footballers who passed through the team stand out as Guardiola or Cuauhtémoc Blanco.

“We informally received people from Spain, Argentina, Italy and central Mexico . The goal is that the story of Diego in Sinaloa transcends beyond 2019 . We bring the stadium renovation project in which we will build an area that is a tourist spot “, he pointed.

The management specialist of sports companies by the Real Madrid University School, Rodrigo Mort, considered that the main contribution that Maradona has made to Dorados is to put the marks in the knowledge of much of the world , places that a second division team hardly aspires to reach.

This marketing expert believes that the Dorados should be ingenious to get the money from the Argentine without falling into a fight with the owners of the Maradona brand.

“There is no longer anything linking it to exploit it. emory or editorial, but not commercially because there would have to be an agreement with the holders of the rights ”, he explained to Efe.

Mort said that the Sinaloa team does not yet have a tour in their stadium to show the places and costumes where Maradona was is a mistake.

That they should already have and commercialize that Diego was here , this was his house for two tournaments. The trophies he won as runner-up. L to bench, wardrobe, any uniform or shirt that he wore . These are things that can make a profit because you don’t use Diego’s image, ”he declared.

He warned, however, that Dorados should not fall in placing all his hopes on only what Diego was and that he should grow as a brand in view of what it wants to be in the future.

“Today the Dorados brand is built by other kinds of things. Holding on to the past only serves to talk about your heritage , rather than to generate a new connection with new followers and a positioning ”, he concluded.

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