Saturday, September 21

Hopeful news on Carmen Salinas' health: Stroke has decreased slightly

Three weeks after admitted to the hospital due to a stroke that caused him to go into a coma, the health of Carmen Salinas has presented a slight improvement that returns the hopes of a possible recovery, because according to the medical report revealed by her family the hemorrhage is being reabsorbed .

This is how they made it known Carmen Plascencia and Gustavo Briones , who last Thursday night 25 November reported that the results of the most recent studies revealed that the blood lodged in the brain of the actress of 82 years showed a slight decrease , which could represent a good news.

“The tomography shows a slight decrease in blood, it is beginning to reduce inflammation, not enough, but already got off. ”

G ustavo Briones

In an interview with various media, one of them the program ‘Hoy’, reveal that within four to six weeks a significant advance could already be seen in which even it is possible that the spill will be completely absorbed .

“It is positive because it is alive , but we are waiting for a month or a month and a half to be completely absorbed by the same body “, added Carmen Plascencia.

And although the above could mean hopeful news for family, friends and followers, the granddaughter of the theater producer confirms that gravity remains , as it is a slow process in which they will have to continue practicing treatments such as tracheostomy and gastrostomy performed this week, with which they seek to avoid other types of complications.

“It is a process that is followed in all patients who go through this type of situation. It is much better within the severity of the tracheostomy because it is easier to clean the mucous membranes ”, he added.

It emphasizes that once the blood has completely come out, doctors will be able to carry out further studies to determine if there will be sequelae or risks of any kind; However, there is a long way to go and he is still in a very uncertain panorama in which everything can change from one moment to the next.

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