Friday, September 20

Christian Nodal wants to give Belinda the wedding of his dreams and melts the networks

The singers Belinda and Christian Noda They are one of the most followed couples on social networks, because at first it was believed that their courtship was just a publicity stunt to raise the singers, but no, they actually love each other very much and even got engaged this 2021.

Now, the couple has returned to give something to talk about, because Nodal assured, on the occasion that they will be the cover for a prestigious magazine, that he wants to fulfill all the dreams of his beloved.

Even though he has barely 22 years, he is already at the top of his career and he maintains that he is still the same as always and that he is surrounded by the same people who have been there from the beginning, but he is happier than never, because he is at the side of Belinda, who is 29 years, who pleases him in all the senses, even recently we saw how a se nsual dance.

Their relationship was confirmed in August 2020, after both coincided in the program La Voz Azteca in 2019, it is rumored that since that year they were dating, but they have not confirmed or denied that information. At first they did not give many details about their relationship, but little by little they have opened up with the media.

In the interview that Belinda and Nodal had for the magazine ‘Quien’ they shared details about their wedding , which many fans believe that it will not happen. For her part, Belinda assured that she is dying to be a mother: “It is a wish that we both have and we already talked about it ” , commented the interpreter.

To her Once, Nodal expressed that the love he feels for Belinda has led him to settle down and dream of achieving his own family. “I want Beli to have the wedding of her dreams, and that it be as she imagined it since she was a child” , referred. The couple was photographed by photographer Alex Córdova, who managed to portray the best of both.

Belinda sings her hits with Maná

While they sing the song Nailed in a bar, the Mexican group excites their audience, who sing the notes with Fher. But on the right side of the stage there is also Belinda, who sings along with them. “I’m drowning in a bar,” Nodal’s girlfriend can be heard singing.

The video has generated a large number of reactions among Belinda’s followers, who recognize her great charisma, his cheerful spirit and the fact that he shows his admiration for other groups. In less than an hour, the video has had thousands of likes and comments from the followers.

It must be remembered that Belinda has been nominated for the Latin Grammy Awards on 3 occasions, including the award for Best Female Album in 2007, for Utopia. But it is an award that has not yet been given to him in his successful career.

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