Monday, September 16

Chivas plans to play a friendly match against West Ham United, a team in which Chicharito Hernández played

Chivas se quedó sin Liguilla la pasada semana.
Chivas ran out of Liguilla last week.

Photo: Manuel Velasquez / Getty Images

At the Akron stadium an emotional meeting was held between Jon Benjamin, ambassador of the United Kingdom in Mexico, together with the board of the Chivas from Guadalajara led by Amaury Vergara. All as part of a campaign against violence against girls and women.

“In the #DiaContralaViolenciaDeGenero we join #HeForShe and reaffirm our commitment to eradicate violence against girls and women ”, the club posted on its social networks with a photo of the aforementioned personalities wearing a Sacred Herd T-shirt.

The campaign named He for She to eradicate violence against women was the main reason for the meeting. However, the subject of a possible friendly between the Chivas against West Ham United of London , team in which ‘Chicharito’ Hernández was a member.

“Finally, Ambassador Jon Benjamin and Amaury Vergara spoke about the possibility of organizing a exhibition between West Ham United and Chivas Rayadas del Guadalajara “, says the club’s press release.

The last time Chivas faced an English club was in 2016 against Arsenal.

Read also :

Oribe Peralta left without grief or glories from Chivas and with a heartfelt farewell letter

Puebla and Anthony Silva leave Chivas de Guadalajara without Liguilla