Friday, September 20

Amazing! They founded a Maradona church in Mexico… And they baptized a girl

Vicente Avendaño hace de sacerdote en la
Vicente Avendaño plays a priest in the “church” of Maradona.

Photo: JOSE CASTANARES / AFP / Getty Images

The fans and devotion for the late soccer player Diego Armando Maradona does not have limits. Millions of people around the world feel for the memory of the Argentine a kind of cult of the personality and have no limits in expressing their love.

On this occasion a group of people in Mexico came together to found a religious group that has already baptized a girl in recent days . Using a premises located in San Andrés Cholula, in the central state of Puebla , the followers of the movement make the place a church to venerate the memory of Maradona.

“It’s crazy that I started for football lovers. It is a special day, we remember the first anniversary of Diego who left, here we welcome everyone who wants to come ”

Salvador Buche

Buche, an Argentine from 50 years born in Buenos Aires but living in Mexico for more 20 years, explained in interview for AFP that although they do not have the proper registration before the authorities to have the church denomination, more and more are the faithful who come to the premises of 20 square meters to worship the memory of “Pelusa” or simply to take pictures.

“People comes to speak r about soccer, to talk about Diego and watch his videos, to drink mate, we are going to start talking about non-addictions, “he commented.

⚽🇦🇷 At the cry of “Marado … Marado …” and with their gaze to heaven, members of the so-called ‘Maradonian church’ today remembered Diego Maradona in the Argentine city of Rosario, on the day he would meet 61 years shortly after the first anniversary of his death # AFP

📸 Marcelo Manera

— Agence France-Presse (@AFPespanol) October 30, 20211030

In the place you can see a altar covered by figures and sculptures in honor of Maradona ; What stands out the most is a golden bust of the Argentine in the center, candles, various tunics with the writing “God” and a replica of the trophy of the I xico 1986 .

Golden bust of Maradona on the altar of the church in his honor. Photo: JOSE CASTANARES / AFP via Getty Images.

The christening of little Natalia, a baby just three months old born, says Buche took them by surprise, since these types of ceremonies as well as weddings were scheduled to start in a few more months. “Some boys from the state of Mexico arrived and we just baptized the first Maradonian girl ” , he told AFP.

The father of the child is Carlos Iván Alvarado, a young man from 20 years that despite never having seen Maradona play, he declares himself a fervent believer in his game and philosophy of life.

VIDEO: Members of the Iglesia Maradoniana, a church in Rosario, Argentina, dedicated to the late football star Diego Maradona, pay tribute to him on what would have been the footballing legend’s 61 st birthday— AFP News Agency (@AFP) October 30, 2021

“It was unique and unrepeatable, and we came to remember it and I saw that there was the baptismal font and I asked if they could baptize my girl and yes ” Carlos Iván Alvarado

Despite the tone of seriousness and solemnity of the act, A lvarado stressed that it is only something anecdotal, a “parody” and a beautiful memory for both him and his daughter in a place that holds high the memory of Maradona, tainted by recent scandals discovered after his death.

Read more:

Indictment against Maradona for rape of a minor continues: his close environment under investigation

The reason why Diego Maradona was buried without his heart