Sunday, October 6

VIDEO: Alejandro Basteri, brother of Luis Miguel, explodes against the press and assures that he is not a spokesman for the singer

Luis Miguel’s brother, Alejandro Basteri , has always kept a low profile because the reflectors of his famous brother are not entirely his liking, but this time he had no choice but to reappear during a public event on the red carpet of the Whose event 50, where revealed his position before the bioseries of “Sol de México”, and related details of his relationship he currently has with the singer.

Although at first he was reluctant to talk about the subject of his brother, it was during the “Sale el Sol” program that Alex Basteri assured that at this moment he has no problems with the nationalized Mexican interpreter.

“Excellent, everything very well, thank God”, replied the younger brother of the interpreter of “La Inconditional.”

Also, while the reporter who chased him ate It was said that people had taken a liking to him because of what Juanpa Zurita had reflected in him, with the project of “Luis Miguel, La serie”, in Netflix , Basteri replied: “I think it is a topic that we will talk about soon, I thank you very much” .

However, Sergio Basteri’s also older brother, did not miss the opportunity to affirm that the bioseries was not 100 percent real and affirmed that he is very happy about many things that have emerged from this project, where there is fiction, there is much plus and many things that are good.

“I think it’s like a 70 – 30, 70 real and 30 more or less fiction ” , Basteri revealed to the media.

It should be noted that Alex’s ex-sister-in-law, Stephanie Salas, attended the same event, the actress and singer who is currently participating in Master Chef Celebrity, was one of the people who was upset by what they revealed in the series.

Given this, Alejandro was asked if he could talk to her, at the same time that he only commented that he found her and greeted her “normal.”

Finally, despite the fact that her meeting with the press remained calm, The consanguineous of Luis Miguel, exploded after leaving the place when he heard questions about whether the series helped the singer to solve his financial problems, so the businessman decided to raise his voice.

“You know what? … I am not a spokesperson for my brother, I am a spokesperson for me and the truth is sincerely, there yes sorry, really thank you” , the businessman also sentenced in a tone more than annoying about re the constant questions about his brother.

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