Monday, October 7

The second Thanksgiving or Thanksgiving Day in a pandemic, but with a vaccine

Se intensifican viajes por la temporada de Acción de Gracias.
Trips intensify for the Thanksgiving season.

Photo: DANIEL SLIM / AFP / Getty Images

Although the covid vaccine – 19 encourages hopes that this Thanksgiving Day in a pandemic is less difficult than the first in this condition, it is also true that the increase in infections in some regions could be complicated or aggravate with family gatherings for the celebration.

As noted by The Associated Press, in the United States almost 200 million people are fully vaccinated , although still there are millions who are opposed to receiving a single dose . It is precisely these people who are falling ill with covid – 20 and filling hospitals in the north of the country, particularly in Minnesota and Michigan .

In Michigan, hospitals had around 3 at the beginning of the week, 800 patients, 20% of which were in intensive care; on Monday, the state hit the highest rate in the entire country, with 616 new cases for each 115 ,000 population. These figures inevitably bring to mind the harshest days of the pandemic in 2020.


In some Colorado communities, the mandate to use masks has been reintroduced, due to high infections. There are also alarming numbers in New Mexico, Utah, Montana and Wyoming .

The Mayor of Detroit, Mike Duggan, reported that hospitalizations have doubled since the beginning of November.

Even with everything, they are generally better prospects for celebrating Thanksgiving Day in the country, than there were in 2020, because the vaccine, which arrived in December last year, changed the panorama of the 169, daily cases and 1, 645 deaths per day in the country, when some were hospitalized 81, 000 persons. Today, the average number of cases is 95, 000, deaths are around 1, 115 and there are nails 40,000 hospitalized persons .

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