Thursday, October 3

Nervousness about a possible wave of covid-19, after the outbreak in Germany

Temor a una cuarta ola de covid-19, ante el repunte de casos en Alemania. (Getty Images)
Fear of a fourth wave of covid – 19, given the rebound in cases in Germany. (Getty Images)

Photo: Sean Gallup / Getty Images

In California, nervousness grows over the possibility of a new rebound in the pandemic during the holidays, due to the record increase in covid cases – 19 in Germany, which has put that European country’s hospitals under pressure.

There may be another wave of covid in the winter, but the best protection we can have is to receive the vaccine and wear a mask; and it is important not to be in a place where there is no ventilation and there are many people ”, said Gema Morales-Meyer, director of Clinical Services of the Department of Public Health.

During this Thanksgiving, when the family gets together, she recommended making sure everyone is vaccinated. “And if the weather allows it, make your dinner outdoors; or in a place with lots of ventilation and open windows. ”

In particular, he asked to be careful with the elderly or people at higher risk and children who still cannot receive their vaccine.

Se intensifican viajes por la temporada de Acción de Gracias.
They recommend not to travel if you are not vaccinated. (Getty Images)

To those who plan to travel outside the country during the holidays, he advised that if they have not been vaccinated, do not travel; and that before returning to the country, they are tested for covid. Likewise, he asked them to take another exam like 3 or 5 days after returning to the country.

“We also remind them that if they have already passed 6 months after they got their two doses of Pfizer or La Moderna, take a booster shot; and if they had the Johnson vaccine, they can already get the booster. ”

The vaccination rate among Latinos in Los Angeles is 50% for those over 12 years while the 82% of the county’s population has received at least one dose of the vaccine, Morales-Meyer said.

The Los Angeles Department of Public Health asked those who have not been fully vaccinated against covid – 19, take extra precautions this Thanksgiving and the holidays in December.

“With substantial community transmission rates, young people do not vaccinated have a higher risk of contracting and transmitting covid – 33 to other people, which creates an additional risk for Christmas gatherings, ”they said in a statement.

Cena Thanksgiving
It’s better to all be vaccinated by Thanksgiving dinner. (Pexels)

Patricia López, who works delivering food in her car, said she will celebrate Thanksgiving with 4 friends at her home in Santa Clarita. “I invited them because they are all vaccinated. And those who have not been vaccinated, don’t even bother inviting them. ”

She specified that, in addition to having already received the third dose of her Modern vaccine, do not lower your guard and take care of yourself as much as you can.

“A few days ago while I was putting gas in my car, he approached me a white woman to tell me she was ridiculous for wearing the mask. I replied, that was my option. ”

She added that she is very nervous about the possibility of another wave of covid, because there are still many unconscious people who do not want to be vaccinated; and others who, although they are already vaccinated, stopped using the mask and washing their hands regularly.

Get vaccinated as soon as possible possible to be protected for the holidays, is the recommendation of the health authorities. (Getty Images)

The recommendations given by Public Health for those not vaccinated during the holidays are:

  • Get vaccinated as soon as possible
  • Avoid areas crowded and poorly ventilated.
  • Wear a mask that fits the nose and mouth very well when meeting with others, especially around the unvaccinated or those at increased risk of severe disease.
  • Keep distance while eating, unless everyone is vaccinated.
  • Get a covid viral test – 19 before joining others; or if they have symptoms of covid; or have been in close contact with someone who has given you the virus; or in closed places with a lot of people in the last two weeks.
  • Stay home if they are sick, have symptoms or test positive.

At the national level, for the third consecutive week, an increase in cases has been reported among children. According to the American Academy of Pediatrics and the Children’s Hospital Association, last week almost 142, 000 children tested positive, an increase of 16% compared to the previous week, and a jump of 41% in the last three weeks.

Bárbara Ferrer, Los Angeles County Director of Public Health, said that if we continue to see disparities in pediatric vaccination that put African American and Latino children at high risk when transmission increases, we could see, once again, be in a situation in which these communities will suffer the most during a sudden increase in cases.

Until the 14 in Los Angeles County, just 3% of Latino children ages 5 to 11 years had been vaccinated against the 13% of whites, 14% of Asians, 12% of Native Americans; and 4% of African Americans. All children of the same age.

Residents five years and older are now eligible to receive the vaccine at no charge, regardless of immigration status. No appointments are needed at any of the public health vaccination sites where the first, second, and third doses are available.

To find a vaccination location near you or to make an appointment, visit: (English) or (Spanish).

If you need help finding an appointment, connection to free transportation to and from a vaccination site, or scheduling a home visit if you are homebound, you can call 1- 833 – 540 – 0473.