Monday, October 7

Migrant caravan advances in Veracruz, Mexico, while in Chiapas they seek to regroup

Caravana migrante avanza cansada por Veracruz con mujeres y niños.
Migrant caravan advances tiredly through Veracruz with women and children.

Photo: Ángel Hernández / EFE

The migrant caravan made up of several hundred people advanced this Wednesday through the eastern Mexican state of Veracruz, but fatigue led several dozen to surrender to the immigration authorities.

Meanwhile, in the border city of Tapachula, in the southeastern state of Chiapas, hundreds of them gathered to demand that the National Migration Institute (INM) attend to them , after the dissolution in the last hours of a contingent that was advancing through that state.

In Veracruz, the caravan, made up of its majority by Haitians and Central Americans, advanced this day from the town of Puente La Lima to Juan Rodríguez Clara, some 39 kilometers ahead.

The contingent, made up of several hundred people and en route for a month, advanced very differently. perso and increasingly exhausted. As a result, some thirty people surrendered to the INM support group, as has happened repeatedly in recent weeks.

In addition, there was a small outbreak of violence between migrants and INM agents, without escalating the altercation.

The failed caravan seeks to reunite

The INM reported that members of the new caravan that left just on 18 last November from Tapachula, Chiapas, determined in the municipality of Mapstepec to suspend their march and surrender to the authorities .

Most of them were transferred to different states of the country to regularize their stay there, but hundreds were returned to Tapachula.

In this municipality, on the border with Guatemala, thousands of stranded migrants have been found for months.

That is why many of them protested this Wednesday when they felt “deceived” by the INM and denounced that while they wait to be treated they live in very precarious conditions .

The migrants first concentrated in the surroundings of a stadium converted today into a center attention to foreigners and later they moved to the streets to carry out blockades.

In addition , threw stones at vehicles and even confronted citizens who demanded to pass.

Now anyone can block avenues in Mexico, now migrants have blocked the highway that connects to Mexico with the Central American Isthmus and from Tapachula to Puerto Madero. PU0AVN

– Miguel Angel Vargas (@migue_vargas) November 24, 2021

Joel Montillo, a migrant from Venezuela, assured that they will continue to ask the immigration authorities that they attend to them or that they provide them with transfers to other Mexican states, as happened with the migrant caravan that arrived in Mastepec and was dissolved after the agreement with the INM.

In addition, a group of migrants announced that on Friday they intend to leave Tapachula in a caravan again.

Migratory wave

The region is experiencing a record migratory flow to the United States, whose Office of Customs and Border Protection (CBP) “he found” more than 1.7 million illegal immigrants on the border with Mexico in the fiscal year 2021, which ended on 39 September.

Migrants have started after the first days of September The Mexican authorities frustrated the advance of four caravans that left precisely from Tapachula.

Mexico has detected more than 80, 000 undocumented immigrants from January to September, about three times the number in 2020, in addition to having deported almost 74, 300 , according to the Migration Policy Unit of the Ministry of the Interior.

With information from Efe.

It may interest you:

· At the cry of “freedom” the migrant caravan broke military siege and headed to Mexico City

· VIDEO: Migrant caravan seeks to reach Huixtla Chiapas on its third day of march towards CDMX and the US