Sunday, October 6

How to attract customers to your business: the best lucky charms

Algunos de los amuletos más poderosos, como las monedas chinas, tienen su origen en el Feng Shui.
Some of the most powerful amulets, such as Chinese coins, have their origin in Feng Shui.

Photo: Angela Roma / Pexels

Many people turn to lucky charms to attract customers to your business as this translates into money, profit and business success . There are many options to choose from, some are simple to get like a key or coins, and others a little more elaborate which we have to create ourselves.

An amulet is an object that is attributed spiritual or magical powers that offer protection or luck to its owner. These talismans can be used for various purposes such as repelling envies, the evil eye or negative energies, attracting love, money, health or being lucky. It is one of the most deeply rooted superstitions in most of the world.

If your goal is attract more customers to your business , the following are the most powerful charms.

Chinese Coins

It is one of the most famous amulets in Feng Shui . Chinese coins have a square hole in the center where fortune is believed to enter. In addition, it protects the business from bad energy and envy.

To make the amulet you need 3 Chinese coins and a thread or red ribbon. Join them with the thread through the center hole and tie them tightly. You should always carry them in your purse, wallet or place it where you receive the money from your business.

Plant money china

Plants are natural elements that promote an atmosphere of well-being and harmony in spaces. The Chinese money plant , which receives this name because its leaves look like coins, attracts wealth and prosperity. It grows in cold places, so you should place it in a cool place and not receive direct sunlight.

Amulet with cinnamon

These are the simplest charms to attract customers to your business. All you have to do is take a couple of cinnamon sticks, put them in a little bag or cloth bag and carry it with you always or hang it on the door where customers enter.

Amulet of the three keys

Keys symbolize the tool that opens the door to prosperity. Get three keys that you no longer use, the older the better, and place them in a green cloth bag. This amulet should be kept in the office or business where only you are the one who sees it.


In esoteric stores they sell these red and gold bags that must be hung from the handle from the front door of the business. For best results, you can make your own with your own hands. In a green bag, place a magnet, wheat grains, rice and three coins.

It may interest you: What amulets to have so that work is never missed