Saturday, September 28

What are the states that do not have the DMV point system in the United States

Thought as a strategy to control the behavior of drivers in the United States, the point system implemented by the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) exists in several states, but is also absent in some. According to Insurify , the states that do not have the DMV violation point system are as follows :

1. Hawaii

2. Kansas

3. Louisiana

4. Minnesota

5. Mississippi

6. Oregon

7. Rhode Island

8. Washington

9. Wyoming

Despite the absence of this penalty system, the difference in traffic laws in each part of the country means that these states have alternatives to penalize their own drivers . In many of them, there are recidivism limits on the same traffic offense that mark the need for the suspension or revocation of the driver’s license . In other words, when a person commits the same traffic crime several times, it is very likely that the authorities will make the decision to take him off the roads, limiting his privileges for his own safety and that of others.

In addition to the recidivism of certain minor offenses, convictions have weight in the decision of the authorities that monitor the performance of drivers , even in states where there is no point system, especially when said convictions are associated with felonies, such as driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol ( DUI and DWI) , a crime that is extremely serious throughout the country.

In states where the DMV violation point system exists, each offense or offense is associated with a pre-established number of points that are added to the driver’s record with bad habits. These points end up adding more and more until reaching the limit that results in the suspension of the license. For that reason, authorities across the country always recommend that drivers constantly check their driving record so they are aware of what this contains. That way, they will be able to do something in time before receiving a sanction or conviction.

Both in the states where the point system exists and in those that does not, the verification of the driving record is also important because it discards any mistakes that has been committed by the authorities: infractions that have not been committed, convictions not associated with the performance and even possible suspensions or revocations that could appear in the driving record from one moment to the next.

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