Saturday, September 28

Deseret Taveres predicts if a major global blackout is really coming

Rumors about a great global blackout that could shake the world soon have generated controversy on the internet and to clarify the panorama a bit, the famous clairvoyant Deseret Tavares has decided to consult with the tarot if it is true that the Earth will face total darkness, and if so, when would it happen.

“The cards show that yes we are going to see an event that changes everything that is technology around the next 6 to 7 months ”he commented in a video that he uploaded on his YouTube channel.

He clarified that the time in tarot is sometimes very precise, however, in most of the time the event is only shown as such and not necessarily when it will occur exactly .

“(The letters) say that between 6 to 9 months we go to see events that will literally put us in the dark. They are marking almost between the last part of the year 2022 but in 12 months from now on it would indicate that it would be fulfilled by November of the following year (2022) sentenced.

He stressed that the letters indicate “with certainty” that we could indeed live a blackout of great magnitudes.

Deseret Tavares said that if you are one of the people who believe in this prediction, it is a good time to start preparing with oil lamps, matches, candles, flashlights and batteries.

Regarding the impact of the alleged great blackout, he said that will generate chaos, will last a long time and will be destined to change and control the world economy . “It is a tactic to change everything that is the currency globally” he said.

What is known about the great blackout?

Everything seems to indicate that the rumor was born in Austria, whose armed forces usually prepare to possible scenarios such as a global pandemic, a terrorist attack or cyber attacks.

Now to these hypothetical scenarios they added the possibility of a great blackout on world scales and of indefinite time, as can be seen see in a video that they have published on their YouTube channel.

This forecast of the Austrian government has triggered many theories. However, there is still no certainty in what will happen in the coming years.