Monday, September 30

Daniela, Héctor Parra's daughter, denounces Ginny Hoffman and demands that they investigate her

Ginny Hoffman / Héctor Parra.
Ginny Hoffman / Héctor Parra.

Photo: Mezcalent / Mezcalent

Daniela Parra attended last Monday afternoon 22 from November to the Attorney General’s Office of Mexico City for file a complaint against Ginny Hoffman by omission and concealment of the alleged violation against Alexa Parra .

The actor Héctor Parra was arrested last June accused of the crime of sexual abuse and corruption of minors against his daughter Alexa Parra. More than four months after starting the investigation, his other daughter, Daniela, went to the authorities to file a complaint against Ginny Hoffman to request that she be subjected to the same type of investigation as her father, who is still in the Oriente prison in Mexico City.

“If my father is being investigated for alleged crimes, then the lady should also be investigated for the omission of those same crimes. ”

Daniela Parra

And he clarified before various media that said complaint does not mean that his father has committed such acts, it is simply so that justice is done and the authorities act impartially with both parties.

I am suing Mrs. Ginette Hoffman for om ision of the facts, if my father is … look, clarifying, this has nothing to do with my believing that my father is guilty , not at all, I still believe faithfully and with my head held high, and with my pants on tightly that my dad is innocent , that’s not the issue ”, he explained to the camera of the program ‘The Sun Out’.

In addition, demanded that Ginny Hoffman be arrested as happened with her father, as she repeatedly assured that she was aware of the alleged abuses committed by Héctor Parra, but never took action.

“If my father is imprisoned, with this complaint that I have just filed, then the lady also goes to jail by omission.”

Daniela stressed that the Prosecutor’s Office has not wanted to investigate all those involved , especially his younger sister’s mother for unknown reasons, so she decided to file a complaint in order to be investigated as well.

Finally, he confessed that he has not been able to visit his father in prison, but they have contact by phone, and although he reveals that every day that passes in prison it is harder for him, he is confident in his strength and that his problem will soon be solved.

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