Sunday, September 29

Chiquis Rivera's little brother, Johnny López, advances information from the audit to Juan and Rosie Rivera: “It's very bad”

A few months ago it was announced that Chiquis Rivera’s little brother, Johnny López , on behalf of his brothers and himself he would have asked about the audit of Jenni Rivera’s companies managed by their aunt, Rosie Rivera and also her uncle Juan Rivera . Now, he has already announced that the results of the audit are ready, as he did previously also Juan Rivera a few weeks ago in conversation with the journalist Gustavo Adolfo Infante.

Johnny López , little brother of Chiquis Rivera , was consulted by a fanatic on his social networks about the audit and he replied: “You will probably know at the time. But it is something bad, very bad ”. Unofficially, information has circulated on the Instagram account dedicated to show news @soyunhateryque, where allegedly some irregularities were seen in the results of said audit.

Juan Rivera allegedly responded by private message to that Instagram account and said that He even sent voice audio denying this information. Making it clear in turn that what is allegedly said did not happen, which is nothing more than Rosie Rivera and Juan Rivera would have taken money to pay a producer who would do a job with some songs by Jenni Rivera and that finally that was not done. If that account of Juan Rivera was true, he, also a singer, would have flatly denied the facts saying that this did not happen.

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Just a few days ago, Juan Rivera did one of his customary “Live” in which he announced that he would give away some furniture from Jenni Rivera . He himself said that he already wants to get rid of some things that have tied him to the memory of his sister and that he considers that it is time to: “Let go.”

For his part, that was all he said Jhonny López and we will have to wait to see if the children of Jenni Rivera will announce the audit results . In fact Juan Rivera , in response to @soyunhateryque, said that he asked that the documents be shown and made public to see if it is true that there are inconsistencies in it.

Keep reading:

VIDEO: Juan Rivera and his family are infected with COVID – 19 and explodes against criticism

VIDEO: Juan gives little-known details of the death of his sister, Jenni Rivera

Johnny López, Chiquis’s brother, jokes about getting a job in ‘El Gordo y La Flaca’