Monday, September 30

Auto insurance: what factors affect its cost in the United States

La edad, el sexo y la profesión suelen ser algunos de los factores considerados por las compañías aseguradoras para fijar sus tarifas.
Age, sex and profession are usually some of the factors considered by insurance companies to set their rates.

Photo: Tyler Clemmensen / Pixabay

When buying auto insurance in the United States, it is normal for the provider company to study each case to determine how much risk it represents . In this study, several factors that can directly or indirectly influence the monthly rates and that are associated with the vehicle are considered. In addition to these, there are other factors that are closely related to the client requesting the policy and that can also be decisive. According to , they are as follows:

1. Age: Most insurance companies determine what appears to be an average age at which drivers pose a lower risk. Normally, this age is considered between the end of adolescence and the beginning of the third age. In this sense, adolescents and older adults always end up representing a greater risk.

In the first case, it is due to little experience. Teens are more prone to distracted driving and other practices considered very dangerous, such as using the phone while driving . In the second case, the most notable thing is the deterioration of the senses that can come as age advances. Elderly drivers are related, among other things, to the loss of motor skills that can be associated with both their health and the use of prescription drugs.

2. Sex: Thanks to statistics, insurers are aware that women who drive represent the lowest risk group, while men are the opposite. Men are more associated with driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol (DUI or DWI) , are also closely related to speeding . To this group is also added the use of the riskiest and most expensive cars and a high percentage forget to protect themselves by wearing a seat belt.

3. Profession: when doing their accounts, insurers also consider the profession of their clients. This is due to the fact that certain professions can create more stress and lead to unfortunate events. According to statistics, the riskiest professionals for insurers are: doctors, architects, directors, presidents, business owners, executives, real estate agents, salespeople, journalists, engineers and chefs.

In the country, other factors related to driver performance are also considered , as the status of your driving history , a document that contains all the information related to your driver’s license, including possible infractions committed and sentences served. Credit history, claims history with other insurance companies or driving practices and habits can also be considered, especially when the client tends to be reckless or distracted.

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