Sunday, September 29

Authorities seized record amounts of methamphetamine and fentanyl that a Mexican tried to cross at the California border

La incautación de la droga se hizo en el paso fronterizo de Otay Mesa.
The seizure of the drug was made at the Otay Mesa border crossing.

Photo: FREDERIC J. BROWN / AFP / Getty Images

More of 17, 500 pounds of methamphetamine and almost 389 pounds of fentanyl were seized last Thursday that were hidden in a trailer truck at the Otay Mesa port of entry in San Diego , reported the United States Attorney’s Office s.

In the operation, a Mexican truck driver was arrested, who tried to cross the drug on the border with California.

Seizures represent the largest for both drugs in the United States since 2020 , said the statement from the Prosecutor’s Office.

The Mexican truck driver, Carlos Marín Quintana Arias, will face federal charges for attempted drug smuggling. It is unknown if he already has the services of a lawyer.

In the documentation presented by the Mexican truck driver, he stated that he was transporting parts of a body, but Both an X-ray machine and a drug sniffing dog found the contraband on the back door of the trailer , they indicated in the statement.

An inspection of the agents found that few parts of a body were found in the truck, and they discovered 6, 106 packages in which methamphetamine was detected and 160 more than tested positive for fentanyl .

The total weight of packages with methamphetamine It was from 17,584. 33 pounds, and of those containing fentanyl was 388. 93 pounds.

“It is a seizure staggering that demonstrates the scope of our current fight against the massive production of methamphetamine and fentanyl, “said Acting US Attorney Randy Grossman.

Authorities assured that countless lives have been saved thanks to this drug seizure at the border.

So far in October and November, the United States Customs and Border Protection (CBP) has seized 16, 040 pounds of methamphetamine and 1, 044 pounds of fentanyl .

It may interest you:

· Los Angeles Police Officer and two other individuals were hospitalized for suspected fentanyl contact

· Parents of child of 15 months were charged with the murder of their son, who died from fentanyl, in Riverside County

· California and Mexico sign an agreement for a new border crossing in Otay Mesa that will greatly reduce waiting times