Monday, October 7

What are emotional distractions and why should they be avoided when driving?

La intensidad de las emociones puede llegar a interferir en el desempeño de los conductores.
The intensity of emotions can interfere with the performance of drivers.

Photo: Gino Crescoli / Pixabay

Due to their ability to divert attention and focus that is needed when driving, emotions are often considered dangerous when their degree intensity is excessive . Experts place them within the scope of cognitive distractions and, like manual or visual distractions , can cause unfortunate events due to their indirect effect on driver performance.

In terms of distractions, there is no discrimination as to what type of emotions can become a risk: both negative and positive emotions can lead to behaviors such as aggressive driving or road rage and can even be accompanied by other types of manual or visual distractions.

According to, some of the most common situations that can lead to strong emotions when driving are the following :

1. Have a couple discussion.

2. Having a difficult day at work.

3. Being attacked by another driver on the road.

4. Receive sad or distressing news.

5. Being late for an important appointment.

6. Receive a raise at work.

7. Receive good news.

8. Going to or returning from a celebration.

9. Win a prize.

10. Listen to favorite songs.

The list can be infinite, but what always all these situations will have in common are the consequences derived from them , which are often negative. The authorities consider that the most difficult to abandon are positive emotions, due to the feeling of well-being they generate, but whatever their nature, they can all generate enough distraction for drivers to hit other moving or parked cars, ignore lights warning signs and even hit bicyclists or pedestrians.

Some of the recommendations to avoid unfortunate events derived from emotional distractions are as follows:

1. Stop the car (if it is driving) or not start it if it is still parked.

2. Take a deep breath and start a number count.

3. Put on relaxing or pleasant music.

Calming down before driving can make a big difference on the road, not only because it guarantees concentration and speed of response in any eventuality, but because avoids the possible confrontation with other drivers, a crime that is punishable by US traffic laws .

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