Friday, September 20

Governor of Zacatecas proposes that remittances also serve to create jobs

The governor of Zacatecas, David Monreal Ávila proposed to his fellow migrants living in southern California that they allocate part of the remittances sent by their families to the creation of jobs and productive projects, since by the end of the year they will exceed The $ 1, 300 million in shipments.

“We are talking about 28, 000 millions of pesos. Just to compare, I tell you that the spending budget of 2021 of the state of Zacatecas is $ 30, 000 million pesos, but encompasses all government exercise, payroll, education , services, infrastructure, health. ”

While remittances from migrants are liquid resources destined for food and assistance to the families of migrants.

“It is an assistance remittance for the well-being of families. With that the grandfather, the parents, the uncle are supported. ”

However, he said that they would like to enter a 30 and 40% of remittances could be used to generate employment and create productive projects in the countryside and commerce io.

“It is what we call productive remittances.”

The governor of Zacatecas, David Monreal Ávila in an interview with Real America News. (Araceli Martínez / Real America News)

2 months after assuming the position as governor of Zacatecas, Monreal Ávila traveled to Los Angeles, invited by the Federation of Zacatecan Clubs of Southern California chaired by Guadalupe Gómez, and held different meetings with immigrants and Zacatecan leaders in which he listened to their needs and demands.

And he took time to socialize with them in a festive atmosphere by attending the gala dinner for Zacatecano Day and crowned the queen of the Zacatecans, Citlali Ortiz, Miss Zacatecas Los Angeles.

Is it true that half of Zacatecas lives in the United States?

“We are going to register , there is no reliable standard. It is estimated that there are more than 1.6 million. Only in Los Angeles, live more than 600 , 000. The rest is distributed between Chicago, Texas and other cities. ”

The Census of 2020 estimates that there are 1.6 million inhabitants in the state of Zacatecas.

The governor of Zacatecas, David Monreal Ávila with the leader of the Zacatecans in southern California, Guadalupe Gómez. (Courtesy)

When asked about the demand of migrants that the 3 × 1 program is reestablished, he said that although it originated in Zacatecas, it will not return because it was funded by the federation.

But he specified that the program that gave rise to it, the 2 × 1, will strengthen and sustain it through productive remittances.

“We have already agreed with the migrant community, and we are going to allocate the 2 × 1 to social infrastructure projects.”

On the security that will be offered to Zacatecans who return from vacation during the Christmas holidays to Zacatecas, he said that he has summoned a security table, the army, the national guard, the security secretariat, the prosecutor’s office general government of the state and the republic to give way to a program that gives that confidence to the migrant.

“It contemplates a series of actions such as the migrant caravan, which will have protection and protection from the entrance to the country. This is even a national program. But in the case of Zacatecas, we are also going to protect and take care of your trip. ”

The Congressman from California, Lou Correa, of Zacatecan roots, welcomed Governor David Monreal Ávila. (Courtesy)

In addition, he said that they will have the service window so that the migrant community can report any incident to justice.

“In terms of health, we are preparing with vaccines and actions to guarantee that migrants have a good stay and the confidence that they will be able to vacation with peace of mind.”

He emphasized that security is a demand of the migrant community in general. “We are determined to solve this problem progressively because our countrymen have great hopes of reaching their land to build heritage, to generate jobs and development.”

He added that they have told him that they want to crystallize in their land, what they managed to learn in the US and the discipline they acquired. “He who has a trade, became an expert, wants to show his achievements and do companies and small businesses.”

If we manage to make productive remittances a main activity, the migrant who wants to return to his land, can do a lot with his family so that they have a peaceful life.

“They are going to help Zacatecans to take root and have an income.”

The governor of Zacatecas, David Monreal Ávila and the announcer Humberto Luna crown the queen of the Zacatecans in LA, Citlali Ortiz. (Courtesy)

Is this trip the first meeting of many with the migrant community?

“I am going to make a work schedule that allows me to pay attention to them and be with them permanently.”

He explained that he plans to establish a link with the migrant not only from California but from anywhere in the world, Los Angeles, Chicago, Texas. “We have Zacatecans in the US and Europe.”

The queen of the Zacatecas in LA, Citlali Ortiz accompanied by her princesses and former queens of that state. All daughters of immigrants from Zacatecas. (Courtesy)

The Migrant Secretariat does not disappear

Guadalupe Gómez, leader of the Federation of Clubes Zacatecanos del Sur de California, said that Governor Monreal’s visit was very positive because he promised to maintain the Migrant Secretariat.

“The migrant secretary is very important to us because she is the link of migrants with the governor and the different state and municipal agencies in the event of any problem. ”

It had been managed that they planned to close it, but he assured us that although there will be cuts in personnel and certain accommodations, it will strengthen it .

“This migrant secretariat allows us to solve problems with a single phone call and is our voice in the cabinet of your government. Far from being an expense, it is an investment for all that we contribute in remittances. ”

He affirmed that after his visit the panorama was clear to them. “The governor wants to lay the foundations for the Zacatecas development program with the support of immigrants, and is preparing the lines of the 2 × 1 and 1 × 1 program.”

Inmigrantes quedan complacidos de que el gobernador de su estado de origen los visite y se comprometa con ellos a dos meses de asumir el cargo
The governor of Zacatecas, David Monreal Ávila made commitments with the Zacatecans in different fields. (Courtesy)

Also, said Gómez, that the governor promised to open windows in each dependency to serve migrants who want to start businesses and create jobs.

“We can immediately start working on the projects that are already ready. The Pitaya and Las Presas communities clubs are ready with more than $ 100, 000 each one, to donate them to the construction of the road that takes them to the municipal seat of Jalpa. ”

In general, he said that the Zacatecans were left with the impression that Governor Monreal genuinely wants to work with migrants.

“It was also necessary to strengthen the Corazón de Plata program that brings together seniors, parents who live in Zacatecas with their children who live in the United States and cannot travel to Mexico.”

The Zacatecan leader was very happy with the governor’s visit.

“I trust that we can reach good arrangements.”