Friday, October 4

Jomari Goyso explains why every semifinalist deserves to win 'Nuestra Belleza Latina'

Jomari Goyso is the most critical judge of ‘Nuestra Belleza Latina’ , but at the same time the one that the candidates end up taking as a reference because he tells them things without too much adornment.

Two Sundays after the end of a new season of the Sunday reality show on Univision, we interviewed the feared judge who explains, exclusively, why each semifinalist deserves to win ‘ Nuestra Belleza Latina ‘.

“Social networks have done a lot of damage to understand what television is, and they are very predisposed to Anything they do is going to create a controversy, and they are afraid of controversy , they don’t want to say anything, they want to be quiet, they don’t want to fight… Other years that has been very strong… The judges see it clearly When the cameras aren’t there and you talk to them, it’s another personality, much more relaxed, much calmer, they tell you things that they wouldn’t tell you on camera, ”Jomari begins by explaining.

Goyso, along with Giselle Blondet, Daniella Álvarez and Adal Ramones, know better than anyone else Lupita Valero, Jaky Magaña, Raishmar Carrillo, Sirey Morán , Fabién de la Concepción and Génesis Suero , and then Spanish tells us about each one:


Sirey Morán de 'Nuestra Belleza Latina'
Sirey Morán from ‘Nuestra Belleza Latina’. Photo: Univision

“She is a girl who has worked in the media, who has tried doing things in between, and that that has always been his dream, which is not something common in ‘Nuestra Belleza Latina’. Many times girls arrive that their dream is to be on television, but they have never done anything to go to television .

Sirey has tried always do little things, prepare, contests, work in channels, and I think that is very valid, and it gives her many points, especially with her people, with the people who support her , because it validates more history… It shines when it leaves when it is acting, doing something and when it gives an explanation of something, to Sirey you ask: “what do you think of that fight of those 2 girls? “, And she gives you a very good explanation, she shines in those thoughts and is also like an older but direct sister . She shines a lot doing that… I wish you could get that all the time. ”


Raishmar Carrillo de 'Nuestra Belleza Latina'
Raishmar Carrillo from ‘Nuestra Belleza Latina’. Photo: Univision

She has been one of the girls who has seen the audience for their reactions … Thanks to her reactions she has been able to deal with her emotions herself, and I think that has been very good because her story is very strong, and knowing You understand her story. … People have seen her because she reacted, and I think that this has been something that she sees as bad, I sometimes tell them: ‘Don’t be afraid to react, look who is speaking, do not be afraid to react because later there is more, that is, later you can apologize, you cannot be left behind ”… If you make a mistake, nothing happens, you put yourself there and say I made this mistake for this, for this, but if you do not commit anything, neither good, nor bad, nor anything, there is nothing or next ”.


Génesis Suero de ' Nuestra Belleza Latina'
Génesis Serum from ‘Nuestra Belleza Latina’. Photo: Univision

They have criticized me a lot, because I told them that she had played a lot with her sensuality , and had said a comment that if a rich husband comes or something like that, and for me as nobody was advising them, that is very delicate on television, because like that suddenly she is in elimination that nobody voted for her … A woman is not going to support another woman who is a hooker, and who wants a man for money, that is very delicate . When I saw her dancing with Yisus’s chef, she was playing with her coquetry, I felt the need to say it, and it was good that I told her because she herself said: ‘No, don’t worry, I asked your wife for permission’ … How good you have already solved it.

Genesis is the girl who has a personality above all else, and that will always make her shine . Obviously, when she has to do a challenge, well, she will not always get a good score, because she uses her personality as a shield, but that is her treasure, she shines for her personality, her ‘pin pun pan ‘ … Although it seems silly, we all remember the’ pin pun pan ‘… She has something brilliant, hopefully the audience this week connects with her, because she also has a very hard story, when you know her story , you understand everything and that is the value of stories.


Fabién de la Concepción de 'Nuestra Belleza Latina'
Fabién de la Concepción from ‘Nuestra Belleza Latina’. Photo: Univision

“He has a strong personality and that works, you can see even when she talks . I think, I have told her several times, as she is, she likes to control things. It is more difficult for her to let go and let go, so it is a bit complicated when you are doing a challenge if you do not let go it is difficult … Strong personalities, I have a strong personality, they work because of Somehow it is like when you see a Barbara Bermudo, you see her and you know that she is a strong personality because of the way she looks, because of the way she is.

Fabién has in her favor that, and people have connected with Fabién, their audience has connected, Cubans have connected with Fabién, that’s why . You tell him: ‘Cut your hair’… And he answers: ‘no, I don’t cut my hair’. People like that, because somehow we all want to be the person who says no to what we don’t feel like, that’s what she shines about. It is delicate because you have to know how to say yes in this profession, and you have to know how to let yourself be carried away by your bosses, at the end of the day it can’t be, no I don’t. ”


Lupita Valero 'Nuestra Belleza Latina'
Lupita Valero ‘Nuestra Belleza Latina’. Photo: Univision

You have something that people love, Lupita She is one of the first girls who when people cross me have spoken to me , I think that with the competition they have also begun to tell me about other girls, but Lupita was the first to speak to me, and I want to think or I want to to know that she has a photogenic that the camera loves her. One of my best friends, Penelope Cruz, has that, you see her in person, I am not going to tell you that she is not the one that interests them, yes, but you see them on camera and their beauties grow, their symmetry works spectacularly. I think Lupita has that, so it always draws attention, we must not forget that television, like photography, like social networks, is visual.

Obviously you have to captivate by the ear many things, but first a visual attention. Lupita has something magnetic that she likes, I think she has more or less known how to handle the waters, which makes me understand, without knowing her much, that she knows what she does , she knows how to get in the positions, she is an intelligent woman, it is like 3 weeks ago she said: ‘I am going to vote for Jaky and because she is Mexican’… Last week, ‘I am going to vote for Genesis because she is my friend’… This business is full of contradictions , that shows me that she is clear. They all have a technique, not all of them have a strategy, but she has it clearer than any. ”


Jaky Magaña de 'Nuestra Belleza Latina'
Jaky Magaña from ‘Nuestra Belleza Latina’. Photo: Univision

“Unfortunately with Jaky I don’t know what’s going on to happen now because the magic of television is that one week they can’t stand you, next week is the star, and the following week they don’t remember you … For me, Jaky shines whenever she does things , she has never been able to steal the show, we have never put her as the best, it is the truth, but she has always been on the list of the best. The public connects with her, if she does not connect with the public, there is nothing to do, if people do not vote for her, there is nothing to do , because on television she will need support. ”

What will the winner tell her in private? We want you to reveal it here…

“The same thing that I have done with all the queens that I was. The same day he wins, I give him my phone number, and I tell them: ‘this is my personal phone number, don’t give it to anyone, the day you realize that this is hard, call me, I’ll help you’ … To all of them, to Francisca Lachapel, to Aleyda Ortiz… Obviously when she arrived they didn’t understand anything, and after months they call me and I try to do the best I can, and help them, because this business It is not easy , and you need people to advise you, because many things are going to come, and the first thing that is going to come to them is a lot of hatred of social networks. ”



• Fabién of ‘NBL’: “It would be a pride to wear that crown to my people in Cuba”

• C erca de la corona Sirey Morán confesses: “I am passionate about journalism, I want an opportunity”

• Genesis Serum of ‘NBL’: “The public, the judges, and my work has made me get here ”

• Lupita Valero: “’NBL’, is the door for all of us who have the dream of working on TV”