Monday, October 7

Blood Moon November 2021: what will be its spiritual impact

La luna llena de noviembre, que será una luna de sangre por ser un eclipse, adquiere un poderoso simbolismo.
The November full moon, which will be a blood moon because it is an eclipse, acquires a powerful symbolism.

Photo: Martin Adams / Unsplash

The next 19 there will be a full moon, but it will not be like any other. This lunation is known as the Beaver Moon, formerly it was also called Ice Moon , and for being also a lunar eclipse is a blood moon. That is why it acquires an interesting spiritual meaning.

Astrologically, the moons full occur when the moon and the sun oppose each other in the zodiac, and mark the peak of the lunar cycle. It is an aspect that offers perspective and increases emotions, therefore, they are powerful to release, resolve and manifest.

The full moon of November 2021, which is an eclipse , takes place in Taurus. It represents aligning ourselves with values ​​and finding security in the midst of energy chaos.

Why is it a blood moon?

Lunar eclipses occur when there is a full moon, if they are total they are called Blood Moon because our natural satellite acquires a reddish hue . The one that we will witness on 19 is a partial lunar eclipse because it will be dark in a 97%, that is, it will almost be total, so the moon will be partially red, as explained by The Old Farmer’s Almanac.

Why is it called Beaver’s Moon?

Traditionally, monthly full moons are linked to names from Native American and European colonial folklore. They named the full moon in November that of the beaver because at this time of year these animals begin to take refuge in their nests, having stored enough reserves for the winter season.

During this month, it was also the season to catch them for their thick skins, which the natives used to keep warm.

Why is it known as the Frozen Moon?

Historically it was also called Ice Moon because it alludes to shorter days and colder temperatures. Symbolically, it marked the need to feel warmer, safer and more protected in a time of scarcity and cold.

What is the spiritual meaning of the November full moon?

On the one hand, the zodiacal influence of Taurus asks us to value what is really valuable to us and what is not worth spending energy on. According to Bustle, this year the Beaver Moon acquires a more shocking meaning because it is a partial lunar eclipse and heralds the second and final eclipse season of the 2021. Also, it is the first eclipse to occur on the Taurus-Scorpio axis since 2014.

In general, represents the beginning of a cycle that will mark growth and change in our lives over the next two years . In this way, astrologers call to pay attention to the revelations or changes that arise during this lunation.

It may interest you: Eclipses of the sun and moon: what are their spiritual and astrological effects