Monday, December 23

An Instagram account shows the most disastrous McDonald's burgers

Usuarios de Instagram comparten sus fallidas hamburguesas de McDonald's desde distintas partes del mundo.
Instagram users share their failed McDonald’s hamburgers from different parts of the world.

Photo: Polina Tankilevitch / Pexels

Fast food doesn’t always look perfect. In some cases, the presentation can be disappointing and ridiculously sloppy. If you want to see the scruffy and worst stacked burgers McDonald’s that some customers have received, there is an Instagram account for it.

McSenget is a popular Instagram account with more than 16, 000 followers in the messiest burgers are highlighted or sad. The name of this Malaysian-founded account is an acronym for “McDonald’s” and “senget”, which in Malay means “slanted.”

In the account, not only the founders share their disastrous hamburgers; Also other Instagram users send their failed McDonald’s hamburgers from different parts of the world.

McSenget photographic evidence shows hamburgers that appear to have been accidentally damaged on purpose. The disaster in the hamburgers of fast food restaurants like McDonald’s could be due to the fact that as the name implies, is fast food and is prepared to a large speed; It can also be caused by movement during delivery trips.

Among the common mistakes in hamburgers is a kind of “cheese slap”, where the slice is out of place and stuck to the box or on the bun.

Ben Chia, one of the young founders of Mcsenget, told VICE that he and his friends started photographing the chaotic burgers five years ago and share them in a private album on Facebook. But it was at the beginning of 2020, that the group of friends brought their collection of disastrous burgers to Instagram.

For Chia and her friends, a misaligned Filet-O-Fish is a constant. A poorly assembled Filet-O-Fish is that you cannot enjoy bread, cheese and fish together. Some bites will be just bread and some bites will be just fish. The downside to trying to fix Filet-O-Fish is that melted cheese tends to break the bread.

Sharing the disastrous burger images is a kind of outlet for consumers. Many of the followers of Mcsenget have gone from bothering to relax and even look at their burgers with humor.

The young people behind McSenget have also held contests for users to vote for the most disastrous burgers. The Instagram account has had such a good response from its followers that the founders launched merchandise such as t-shirts and stickers with designs that show rugged McDonald’s hamburgers.

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