Saturday, October 5

VIDEO: Juan Osorio is very worried about Carmen Salinas and visiting her in the hospital

The famous Televisa producer, Juan Osorio visited the hospital where Carmen Salinas is in intensive care after suffering a stroke , where she took the opportunity to talk about the actress’s state of health and affection that exists between them for years working together.

Accompanied by his fiancée, Eva Daniela whom he thanked accompanying him At such a difficult time , Juan Osorio pointed out that Carmen Salinas continues with sedatives and pain medications, although he did not give more details about it.

“The most important thing right now is to have a lot of faith. Doña Carmen for me is a very strong woman, a woman with whom I shared many things in life ”, pointed out Osorio in his meeting with the media outside the hospital.

“There were things we did not agree on, but Carmen never said no to me”, said Osorio about the projects he had with Carmen Salinas, among which he highlighted the staging “Aventurera.”

He indicated that he found out about what happened to the actress at dawn, around one in the morning, so his presence in the hospital is a way of expressing his affection for whom he considers his second mother.

It was in the early hours of Thursday when the granddaughter of the driver also reported during an interview with Javier Poza who is in a coma and with artificial respirator.

The actress was hospitalized in an emergency After suffering a stroke, her health has been reported as delicate and for the moment they indicate that she remains sedated.

Around seven at night, her nephew Gustavo Briones provided information about the actress’s state of health in a meeting with the media, where he indicated that her saturation remains the same as in the morning and they have given her pain medications.

Gustavo Briones indicated that Carmen Salinas suffers from hypertension since the death of her son Pedro Plascencia , for What since then has been a doctor to control it.

He thanked the samples of support and pointed out that celebrities have contacted the family to find out if they can visit Carmen Salinas, however, it is the actress’s granddaughter and he the only ones who can be with her for being responsible.

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