Friday, October 4

Christian Nodal's mother responds in an epic way to the attacks on Belinda and her son

The family of the famous singer, Christian Nodal has proven to be very close, and for a long time it was possible to see that they received the singer Belinda as one more member, something that has now been made clear by the mother of the interpreter of “Bottle after bottle”, as he defended his daughter-in-law and revealed what he thinks of her.

The couple has been in a relationship for just over a year, and in May this year they decided to get engaged. Although much has been said about the possible wedding dates, since it is believed that in August they were married by civilians, so far the couple has not confirmed when it will be the big day.

On her Instagram account, where she is followed by thousands of fans, the also representative of the The interpreter shared a message he received from a netizen, in which asked him to speak with his son to ask him not to get more tattoos , in addition to commenting that Christian has changed since he is with Belinda.

“Pretty lady. I greet you, hoping that you read me and that my words do not bother you ” , wrote the singer’s fan, who wonders what happens to Nodal when he decides to show himself with a tattoo on his face, because he considers that that is not right, “I mean that because I am an artist that is not it looks good on the body ” , he comments.

Silvia Cristina Nodal, mother of the singer and wife of Jaime González, With whom she has two other children, she could not remain silent at the words she received and chose to respond to the fan, but it was evident that she defended her son, his tattoos and his relationship with the green-eyed woman.

“I am a mother, of course her change hurts, but as a mother I it would hurt more to turn your back on him for being who he is, without disrespecting him and I appreciate the advice, but nobody tells you who you are or who you are ” , Cristy wrote, as his family and friends tell him.

In a publication that he also shared in his stories, you can also read what he thinks about the famous singer, as she affirms that “she is beautiful, of heart and soul and only supports him”, showing that she is the best mother-in-law.

She also revealed that in her family resp They are and love as they are, “nothing is anyone’s fault, we are intelligent and with quirky tastes” , explains Christian Nodal’s mother, who also added that tattoos are considered art that comes from our ancestors, so she does not see badly that her son wears them .

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