Monday, September 30

China refines details for a meeting between Xi Jinping and Joe Biden

Un encuentro entre Xi Jinping y el entonces vicepresidente Joe Biden.
A meeting between Xi Jinping and the then Vice President Joe Biden.

Photo: PAUL J. RICHARDS / AFP / Getty Images



China confirmed that it is in “close contact” with the United States to finalize the details of an imminent virtual meeting between Xi Jinping and Joe Biden , the presidents of both countries.

“Yes, we are holding talks to organize a virtual meeting between the two presidents, “said the spokesman for the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs Wang Wenbin at a press conference.

As reported on Thursday by the US network CNN, which cites close sources, the meeting could take place next Monday


“We expect the United States to work with China to that the meeting is successful and returns relations to the right path “, said this Friday the spokesman Wang.

If confirmed, it would be the first formal meeting between both leaders since Biden took office in January of this year, and would come after the telephone conversation between the two leaders last September.


In October, Jake Sullivan, Biden’s national security adviser, and the head of Chinese diplomacy, Yang Jiechi, met in Switzerland to ease tensions between the two powers – with commercial, technological, human rights or security frictions – after failure summit held last March in Alaska.

Sullivan raised concerns about human rights in the Xinjiang region and in Hong Kong , as well as the situation in the South China Sea already accounts for the last Chinese air incursions near Taiwan , which have caused relations between Taipei and Beijing to go through their worst moment in recent decades, according to the island’s authorities.

For its part, Beijing expects Washington to adopt “rational and pragmatic policies” and not to use “sovereignty and security issues” to “interfere” in China’s internal affairs.

As reported last Wednesday by the Chinese ambassador to the United States, Qin Gang, who read a letter from Xi at an event in New York, bilateral relations are “at a critical historical juncture” , although emphasized that “cooperation is the only right option.”

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