Monday, September 30

BR20: Ferrari's latest one-off


Ferrari’s latest creation is the BR 20 a more exclusive and personalized vehicle intended for a sole owner.

Another one-off comes out of the Maranello garage in this case it is the Ferrari BR 20 , an Italian sports car based on the GTC4Lusso.

Thus, this unique unit created by the special division Ferrari Special Projects is released with a modified appearance based on the requirements of its owner.

For this occasion the most interesting change is in the rear of the BR 20 . Shooting brake styling has been dropped and given a fastback look that seeks to resemble mid-century coupes.

More in Driving .com: Notes Ferrari

The front also shows a series of changes with a more extensive grille and renewed headlights.

The interior of the Ferrari BR 20 also has received a high degree of customization. The rear row has been removed compared to the GTC4Lusso. In its place, a cargo area made of oak wood has been installed to transport luggage.

The Heritage Testa di Moro two-tone leather upholstery are made in brown with gold stitching .

The “heart” that drives the Ferrari BR 20 could be the V 6.2-liter atmospheric. With this block I would deliver some 680 enough horsepower for a sporty driving.

So this work joins other recognized one-off such as the Omologata, SP 38 or F 12 TRS, among many others.