Tuesday, October 8

Mexico confirms meeting between AMLO, Joe Biden and Justin Trudeau at North American Leaders Summit

Justin Trudeau, Joe Biden  y AMLO se reunirán el 18 de noviembre en Washington.
Justin Trudeau, Joe Biden and AMLO will meet on 18 November in Washington.

Photo: PAUL J. RICHARDS / AFP / Getty Images

The Mexican government confirmed that it will be the next 18 November in Washington, during the ninth North American Leaders Summit, when the presidents of Mexico will meet Andrés Manuel López Obrador , from the United States Joe Biden , and the Prime Minister of Canada, Justin Trudeau .

This summit is scheduled for the day 18 of November next week, it will have verification in Washingto n as I explained. We will have approximately two hours of trilateral meeting at the summit, we have a lot of work to do to arrive with the documents already prepared and the Prime Minister, President López Obrador and President Biden can comment on these three issues in those two hours ”, said the Mexican Foreign Minister Marcelo Ebrard in the morning conference.

According to the Secretary of Foreign Relations of Mexico, the three leaders will hold the first meeting trilateral at the level of heads of state for five years.

This is the first face-to-face meeting of President López Obrador with the President Biden and Prime Minister Trudeau and it will be the first trilateral meeting at the level of heads of state for five years … It is very important to reactivate, accelerate not only the financial trade exchange of investments, but a common vision of the three countries that we will form the North American Free Trade Agreement towards the future, ”commented the Mexican Foreign Minister.

Foreign Minister Marcelo Ebrard explained that this ninth Summit will be held in Washington because it was up to the United States to host it in rotating order, while the tenth will be held in Mexico in the year 2023.

Among the topics to be addressed by the three countries will be the economic development of the Central American region, preparation for the next pandemic, as well as economic recovery in the coming years .

“For Mexico the main issues as I have already mentioned, we are going to give it for cooperation and development, southern Mexico and Central America, and the president has made several proposals , Sowing Life, Young People Building the Future, etc., regional economic integration to promote investment in our country. How we add value and accelerate growth in Mexico. How we prepare for the next pandemic. How we achieve the fairest economic recovery for the 2022 – 202, some of the issues that will be raised ”, he commented.

Marcelo Ebrard specified from the National Palace that the president Andrés Manuel López Obrador will hold, apart from the trilateral meeting, also separate bilateral meetings with the leaders of the United States and Canada approximately 60 minutes each.

“For Mexico there will also be a bilateral meeting with President Biden, we are not only going to the trilateral that It is also very important, a bilateral dialogue, we are going for approximately one hour and there will also be a bilateral dialogue with Canada with Prime Minister Trudeau of approximately the same duration of one hour ”

The last Summit of Leaders of North America, known as de l The “Three Friends”, took place in the year 2016 and stopped being held during the presidency of Donald Trump.

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