Monday, October 7

El Niño Prodigy Horoscope November 10, 2021


03 / 21 – 04 / 19

If you hide too many secrets, this could put your relationships at risk. Your friends will not understand the causes of your elusive and mysterious behavior. Avoid generating suspicion and resentment, and offer some kind of explanation if you don’t want things to get muddier.


05 / 19 – 05 / 20

You will feel capable of assuming greater responsibilities and occupying positions of authority at work. Although the demand will be greater, your efforts will not go unnoticed and you will be recognized as a suitable person. You have earned this achievement to your heart’s content, enjoy it!


04 / 21 – 07 / 20

Contacts with other regions can be a path to professional success. You will take seriously the challenge of broadening your horizons and accessing better opportunities. Take into account the indications, advice and suggestions of more experienced people.


6 / 21 – 7 / 20

Opportunity will present itself to do profitable business as you will meet the right people. I want you to listen to new financial proposals and to take advantage of the available resources. You will also get serious and reliable business partners.


07 / 21 – 08 / 21

You will have to overcome important obstacles in the sentimental area. If you are accompanied, your relationship will be put to the test and there will be some inevitable comparisons with previous partners. If you are single you will realize that you must overcome the past if you want to build something solid today.


08 / 22 – 10 / 22

You will carry out your tasks with determination, but you must be careful because your colleagues at heart have a hostile and competitive attitude. The best recipe against gossip and malicious comments will be to focus on your work goals.


09 / 23 – 11 / 22

The The desire to give an insurmountable image could cost you dearly, so think carefully if it is worth investing your resources in superficial and fleeting issues. Remember that neither you nor the being you love are a trophy, when it comes to being romantically involved, act with caution.


10 / 23 – 11 / 22

Under the influence of the Moon and Saturn, close people will require your presence and you will have to postpone other commitments to be there when they need you. You will make decisions in the family sphere and your pulse will not tremble because you will be clear about the most convenient option.


11 / 23 – 12 / 20

Pay attention because there are possibilities of marked differences and very strong verbal exchanges. I want you to respect the opinions of others, even if they are different from yours, and to control a certain tendency to pride. Sometimes it’s better to keep quiet.


12 / 21 – 01 / 18

Circumstances will require you to save time and handle yourself more quickly. It is a good idea to invest your money in products or services that bring dynamism to your daily activity. You will get higher profits and profitability if you get in tune with the latest technologies.


02 / 20 – 02 / 18

It will be necessary for you to find new solutions to old problems that you drag. You will have a more mature look and you will realize that there are old behaviors that no longer have a reason for being. Once you assume your present reality you will notice a greater firmness in you.


03 / 19 – 02 / 20

Today more than ever the from the outside they are made of wood since you will only find the support you are looking for inside yourself. Turn a deaf ear to criticism and create an area of ​​protection around yourself with positive affirmations. Summon your spirit guides.

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