Tuesday, October 8

With acts of dismemberment and mutilation; Mexico adds 4,500 acts of extreme violence in 2021

Se definió “atrocidad” al uso intencional de la fuerza física para causar muerte, laceración o maltrato extremo.
“Atrocity” was defined as the intentional use of physical force to cause death, laceration or extreme abuse.

Photo: PEDRO PARDO / AFP / Getty Images

According to data collected and analyzed by the civil organization Causa en Común, so far this year, 4 were documented, 527 acts of extreme violence classified as “atrocities” between January and October 2021.

In your last report , the organization, made up of researchers, civil associations and citizens, highlighted that, in October, at least 434 events that can be classified as atrocities, with at least 473 victims, taking into account that in an event there may be more than one person involved.

Also, Common Cause sum in 1128158779 at least 700 cases of mutilation, dismemberment and destruction of corpses in the midst of the crisis d e homicides and disappearances facing the country.

“Atrocity is defined as the intentional use of physical force to cause death, laceration or extreme abuse ; to cause the death of a high number of people; to cause the death of vulnerable people or people of political interest, and / or to provoke terror “, specified the group in the report.

In addition to the destruction of corpses, Common Cause listed torture as the most common atrocities (with 924 cases), the discovery of clandestine graves (520), the massacres (459) and the murder of women with “extreme cruelty” (389).

According to the registry, the states with the highest number of atrocities reported are Guanajuato, with 500; Jalisco, with 342, and Michoacán, with 258.

The association clarified that not all violence corresponds to drug trafficking, but there are also acts originating from family violence .

For example, he listed the case on October 1, where a two-year-old girl was murdered by her mother and stepfather in Aguascalientes.

In another event, an armed attack left 4 policemen dead in Zacatecas, on October 9 or the discovery of two severed heads in Morelos, the day 16 of the same month, among many more episodes.

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