Saturday, October 5

VIDEO: Juan José Origel explodes against María Félix and describes her as a despot and rude

If there is a complicated character in the history of Mexican cinema, it is undoubtedly María Félix, whom Juan José Origel qualifies as “despot and rude”, as he assures that the diva He made a tremendous rudeness when he sought her out to interview her.

It was during an interview for Mara Patricia Castañeda that Pepillo Origel was As a guest and spoke about various passages of his career within the world of entertainment, he also boasted his friendship with Silvia Pinal and it was here that he compared his friend with María Félix and pointed out that the difference between the two divas is that Silvia was loved by the public for her personality and that “La Doña was the opposite”, describing her as despot and rude.

“I have seen two women in Mexico like this in a big way: María Félix and Silvia (Pinal). But María Félix was a despot, rude, and Silvia is a woman loved by all the people, very affectionate with all the people. There is an abysmal difference, because “La doña”, uff! “, said so ready to tell the anecdote he lived with the famous actress .

Origel confessed that everything happened during his stage in Ventaneando, which was between 1996 and 1998, recalled that both coincided at a party offered by the French ambassador, Bruno Delaye, Therefore, he comments that he approached the table where the actress was sitting to interview her and pointed out that at first everything was going well, however, he comments that when he took out the microphone cube with the Aztec logo, the actress simply turned around and she refused to give him the interview, so the journalist took the opportunity to “get the note” and ask him questions that made her uncomfortable.

“Then I come and I say: ‘Ma’am, good afternoon, how are you?’ He turns very kindly and when he sees the Azteca cube I just felt the blow he gave me, he turned around and I said: ‘Here is the note’. How was I going to tell Pati Chapoy that the lady turned me around? I was like this: ‘Ma’am, are you angry that you were not seated at the head table? What did I get from the note? Total, that the lady no longer loved me ” , the driver said.

In Another moment of the interview, Origel pointed out that thanks to his arrival at Televisa he was able to “regain” the sympathy of María Félix , as he recalled that the owner of the television station, Emilio Azcárraga was the intermediary for an interview to be agreed , however, Pepillo regretted that said session could no longer be held with ” La Doña ”because months later the actress died, but she remembered that“ in her reconciliation ”, the actress reproached her for having been mean to her, but Juan José remembered with laughter that she got away well thanks to the fact that she blamed Pati Chapoy.

One day I told Emilio Azcárraga: ‘You don’t know how much I want to interview the Doña’. One day Emilio spoke to me and he was with La Doña, and he told me: ‘I’m going to pass it on to you.’ And the lady: ‘You have been very mean to me’. I told him: ‘Name, what happens is that Mrs. Chapoy was the one who told me’. Then he gave me his phone number, we talked and everything, and when he was going to give me the interview, he left us. ”

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