Wednesday, October 23

The emotional reunions that came with the reopening of the United States border

Una pareja se abraza en el aeropuerto, tras la reapertura de fronteras por parte de Estados Unidos.
A couple embraces at the airport, after the United States has reopened the borders.

Photo: OLIVIER DOULIERY / AFP / Getty Images

On Monday, The United States reopened its borders with Mexico and Canada completely, which led to the emotional reunion between people who waited almost two years to see each other again.

Couples, grandparents, uncles, children, grandchildren or nephews, all those who could meet the requirements of the US authorities went to the border, near which they saw prolonged hugs and even tears , as reported by various local media.

“It’s a great feeling,” said Octavio Álvarez, from 43 years, who was able to enter the United States for the first time since February 2020.

“I’m going to jump into his arms, kiss him and hug him” , Gaye Camara, a woman who lives in France, who traveled to see her husband in New York, whom she has not seen since January of 2020.

“We can finally breathe” , Jason Wells, executive director of the San Ysidro Chamber of Commerce, told the media, asking the dozens of press reporters in front of him, They should go shopping when they finished their work.

A dentist from Paris who came to the United States said excitedly: “Finally, we have been waiting for months and months” . Sarab Alasadi accumulated two years without being able to see his sister. “We are very proud to have returned to Miami, very happy to be back. We are here to stay ”, declared Thomas Jahn, who arrived from Munich.

With information from agencies.

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