Wednesday, October 23

The 5 strangest and weirdest parapsychological skills in the world

There are people who claim to have such extravagant parapsychological abilities that they are worthy of a superhero comic strip. Reading minds, predicting the future with an oracle, and talking to the dead seem to be common psychic powers when compared to these paranormal abilities.

A parapsychological ability is the ability to perceive things, vibrations or manipulate objects or energies beyond the 5 senses . Some of the most common are telepathy, telekinesis and clairvoyance, among many others.

However, there are paranormal powers that they are very strange and rare. Next, we tell you what some of them are.

1. Electrokinesis

It is the ability to control or manipulate light and energy currents with the mind . When this power is developed it is possible to maneuver the electricity and absorb it.

According to the site, there are 3 types of electrokinesis: electromanipulation, which is the control of the electrical impulses of the organic beings; photokinesis, which affects the electromagnetic spectrum and allows the body to create images or lasers; and technokinesis, which is the ability to control how the energy of technology moves.

2. Clear or clairvoyant tasting

It is one of the most unusual and rare forms of clairvoyance. It consists of the ability to obtain information through the sense of taste . Most of the time it is combined with the ability to perceive smells from beyond.

Clear or clairvoyant tasting occurs when you taste something without that object or food being present. You can also have sensations of dry mouth, cravings or sudden salivation that sometimes comes from messages from the spiritual world.

3. Cryokinesis

It is defined as the ability to use the mind to control the speed and movement of molecules, that is, manipulate the cold . The clearest example to get an idea of ​​what it is about is “Elsa” from the famous Disney movie “Frozen.”

It is a strange power. People who own it are able to withstand extreme cold. They can hold an ice cube for long without rejecting it naturally.

4. Hieromancy

It is a form of divination widely used in the middle Ages. It is defined as the analysis and obtaining of information about the present, past and future through the entrails of animals, usually from sacrifices.

At present it is not an activity that is practiced commonly, since it was believed that people who were engaged in it often read the entrails of people who were in their last minutes of life.

5. Clairvoyance of smells

This extrasensory ability consists of perceiving with smell information odors without an apparent physical reason . These people are believed to smell specific spirits odors such as their perfume or tobacco smoke.

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