Thursday, October 24

How many types of traffic signs are there in the United States?

En Estados Unidos existen varios tipos de señales de tránsito con distinto significado.
In the United States there are several types of traffic signs with different meanings.

Photo: Nick Fewings / Unsplash

In the United States, as in many countries, traffic signs are divided into several types or categories depending on their nature . These visual symbols are essential for the proper use of the privileges granted by the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) through the issuance of driver’s licenses and permits , that is why it is really important that all drivers learn to recognize them and live with them, deciphering the messages they contain regardless of their color or shape. According to experts, the road signs in the country are divided as follows:

1. Regulatory or regulatory signs: are those that refresh some of the rules of driving. In that sense, although the driver is aware of what to do, they are arranged in certain places to remind him of his duty, in case he forgets. In terms of shape, these signs are usually represented in squares or rectangles with vertical orientation and their background tends to be white, although there are two exceptions with red backgrounds and different shapes: “stop” signs, with an octagonal shape, and stop signs. yield, arranged in an inverted triangle shape. Regulatory signs indicate: when to stop or yield, where to turn and where not to turn, speed limits, where to park and where not to park, vehicle eligibility for certain roads.

2. Construction and Warning Signs: serve as a warning signal for the driver to be aware of what to expect ahead. It is common – although not in all cases – that they have a diamond shape and are represented in yellow or orange. They often indicate: sharp turn, rocky or slippery terrain, nearby traffic light, railroad crossing, narrow or winding road, highway construction or construction, temporary speed limit, detour.

3. Guide signs: are some of the most common and the ones that offer more information about the road. They are represented in horizontally oriented rectangles that are painted in green and serve to indicate: nearby exits and streets, location (highway) in which you drive, associated distance to the destination.

4. School zone signs: alert the driver to the proximity of a school zone, mainly to slow down and be very attentive to other signs.

In addition to these types, there are other signs that indicate services (usually represented in blue ) and that are associated with wheelchair ramps , rest areas, service stations and restaurants. Recreation signs are also common and are recognized by being brown and indicating the location of restrooms, camping or picnic areas, and even hiking trails.

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