Sunday, October 6

Committee investigating Capitol robbery cites 10 other Trump relatives

Los asaltantes del Capitolio reclamaban por un supuesto fraude electoral.
The robbers of the Capitol claimed for an alleged electoral fraud.

Photo: Samuel Corum / Getty Images

The committee of the House of Representatives investigating the Deadly assault on the Capitol on Jan 6 ro announced Tuesday a new batch of 10 subpoenas to former White House officials under President Donald Trump , as the panel continues to search for testimonies and witness documents relevant to its investigation.

Among those summoned to testify are the former press secretary, Kayleigh McEnany and Director of Personnel, John McEntee . Also cited were Trump’s personal assistant, Nicholas Luna , the Oval Office operations coordinator, Molly Michael , and her deputy assistant Ben Williamson .

Recipients must deliver to the commission before 23 November all the information that is required before come forward from December to declare.

“We need to know precisely what role the former president and his assistants played in the attempts to stop the count of the electoral votes and if they were in contact with someone outside the White House who was trying to annul the result of the elections, ”explained the chairman of the committee, Democrat Bennie Thompson in a statement.

In the case of the one who was head of White House press, Kayleigh McEnany, the committee said that the importance of her appearance, as one of the most visible faces of that administration, lies in the “multiple public statements” that he made implying that electoral fraud had occurred, citing some specific episodes such as those in which he accused the Democrats of giving the welcome “to the illegal vote.”

The former Trump chief of staff, Christopher Liddell; the security advisor to the former Vice President Mike Pence , Keith Kellogg ; one of his advisers, Stephen Miller ; his former assistant for legislative affairs, Cassidy Hutchinson ; and Kenneth Klukowski, former attorney for Assistant District Attorney Jeffrey Clark.

These ten new subpoenas come just one day after another six the commission issued for the statements of several former Trump collaborators, including the lawyer responsible for his strategy to try to annul the result of the November presidential elections. 2020, John Eastman .

Eastman devised recourse to authority of Mike Pence as Vice President to avoid acknowledging election results and disqualifying Electoral College members from various states, through initiatives in state congresses.

This group of six citations included Michael Flynn, National Security adviser to Trump and who, according to the commission of inquiry, participated in a meeting at the White House in December where participants addressed the possible declaration of a national emergency to seize voting machines. Flynn would also have suggested imposing martial law after the elections.

The commission of inquiry has already issued five batteries of subpoenas, including those directed at White House personnel who were working the day of the assault on the Capitol. More than 150 people have already appeared in the investigation.

The committee is moving forward with issuing subpoenas even though the Department of Justice has not yet indicated whether prosecutors will file criminal contempt charges against Trump ally, Steve Bannon, for defying the order of Congress to appear and give testimony.

With information from CNN and Europa Press