Tuesday, October 22

AMLO asks the UN to create a world fund for the poor with money from billionaires and rich countries

El presidente López Obrador habló de inequidad y corrupción ante la ONU.
President López Obrador spoke of inequity and corruption before the UN.

Photo: JESÚS GARCÍA / Impremedia

NEW YORK.- The Mexican president Andrés Manuel López Obrador gave his first speech to the United Nations, it occurred at the Security Council session, which is chaired by Mexico in November, where it asked leaders to address the causes of inequality, corruption and create a global fund to help the poor.

The fund could have a billion dollars ,” said the president. “In its annual report, the UN could allocate one day to give certificates of solidarity to individuals, governments and corporations that stand out for financing the world plan for fraternity and well-being.”

He added that this fund could be created with 4% of a voluntary contribution of the profits of the thousand companies or corporations with the highest value and the billionaires , as well as 0.2% of the GDP of the nations that make up the G 20, where Mexico belongs.

He insisted that peace cannot be achieved in any country, if there is not a front against marginalization and poverty.

“(The) basic solution to live free from fear and violence is to end unemployment, incorporation of young people into work and study, combat family violence and loss of cultural values and moral and spiritual ”, he defended.

He also said that inequality problems generate different phenomena, in addition to violence, such as forced immigration.

Some 80 followers of the Mexican president, who traveled from states such as New Jersey and Illinois, gathered in Dag Hammarsjöld square , in the street 47, to listen to their leader, whom they saw through a giant screen installed by the Consulate General of Mexico in New York.

“The Presidency ordered us to logistically support the organizers, “said an official of the Consulate, who added that all the sound and audiovisual equipment was provided by the authorities.

López Obrador unleashed cheers as president – at least for a day – of the Security Council each time he struck the gavel for some point on the agenda, which included a speech by the UN Secretary General, António Guterres, who addressed the unequal d and corruption as a global problem.

Mexico put on the table, for the first time in that Council, the importance of addressing exclusion and inequity as key elements against international conflicts . This matter will be addressed in the different meetings.

“The objective is to open a debate to advance the discussion on the links between the causes of armed conflicts with exclusion, inequality and poverty ”, indicates a document of the Mission of Mexico to the UN.

Prior to his speech before that body, the Mexican president greeted his followers in front of the Millennium Hilton hotel , where at least 10 elements of the Secret Service They were in charge of his security and, at some point, they had to control the sympathizers of the workers so that they did not approach him.

A group of 10 and 15 people from the FRENA movement, against López Obrador, was overshadowed by the cheers of the Obradoristas, who criticized the PRI and PAN governments that Mexico has had.