Friday, September 20

Twenty-two countries will promote decarbonization technologies to reach the emissions goal by 2050

Todos los países, incluidos sus ciudadanos, tendrían que contribuir para combatir la crisis climática, según la Comisión Europea.
All countries, including their citizens, should contribute to combat the climate crisis, according to the European Commission.

Photo: Sean Gallup / Getty Images



The governments of 22 countries, together with the European Commission (EC), announced today the expansion of the international program “Mission Innovation” , aimed at accelerating the development of technologies that help capture carbon dioxide and extend the use of clean energy.

United States, China, India, Saudi Arabia, Germany, France, Brazil and Chile are among the nations that support a plan with which they aspire to “eliminate emissions in industry, allow the removal of carbon and produce fuels, chemicals and renewable materials. ”

The initiative will promote key technologies to“ enable a transition to net zero emissions by mid-century ”, said in a statement John Kerry, special envoy for the United States climate.

EC Vice-President Frans Timmermans stressed that to combat the climate crisis “Each country, each company and each person must contribute” with their effort .

The plans presented today “mobilize governments to operate with a clear and collective voice” in the space of environmental innovation, and “help the public sector to work dynamically alongside the private sector.”

The promoters of the initiative estimate that it will contribute to mobilize at least 250, 000 millions of dollars during this decade .

According to the International Energy Agency (IEA), about half of the carbon reduction required to achieve net zero emissions in 2050 must come from technologies that for now only work as “prototypes”.

Investment in this field will allow the development of “affordable and accessible solutions for all”

, indicate the promoters of the initiative, who emphasize that “the potential rewards are monumental.”

The Minister of Energy and Mines of Chile, Juan Carlos Jobet, stated that it is necessary to extend the implementation of clean energies during this decade to “Avoid a climate disaster” .

Thanks to the ” collaboration and innovation “driven by this project” we have the ability to meet the objectives of the Paris Agreement and ensure a green future for the next generation, “he said.

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