Friday, September 20

Nicaraguan President Calls Prisoner Opponents “Sons of Bitches of Yankee Imperialists”

The president of Nicaragua, Daniel Ortega, called “sons of bitches of the Yankee imperialists” to the seven presidential candidates of the opposition detained on charges of “treason against the fatherland” and those who avoided facing each other in the general elections on Sunday, in which he was reelected for his fifth term.

“Those who are in prison are the sons of bitches of the Yankee imperialists”, the president snapped in an official act broadcast on television and radio, a day after the elections that have not achieved the recognition of the majority of the international community, including the United States and the European Union (EU), which he also criticized .

Ortega suggested that the imprisoned opposition leaders “should be taken to the United States”, because, in his opinion, “They are not Nicaraguans.”

“They stopped being Nicaraguans. They have no homeland. They should be taken there (USA) ”, he continued.

The ex-guerrilla , who on Thursday meets 76 years old and who returned to power in 2007 after coordinating a Governing Board from 1979 to 1985 and preside for the first time the country from 1985 to 1990, was re-elected together with his wife, Vice President Rosario Murillo, with the 75. 92% of the votes in the elections of the Sunday.

Message to Spain and the European Union

During another part of his speech, Ortega asked to “reconsider” “The Spanish rulers”, of whom, he said, “are behaving like colonizers” .

The Spanish Minister of Foreign Affairs, José Manuel Albares, assured that he Sunday in Nicaragua “you cannot call elections, they have been or a mockery ”of the people, the EU, the international community and democracy, and demanded the release of the detained opponents and journalists.

Ortega also criticized what s EU countries, “where fascist parties, the descendants of Francoism,” and Adolf Hitler rule, and said that the majority in the European Parliament “are fascists.”

“It is time for Europe to understand once and for all that the Nicaraguan people rule these lands and not the European governments,” he added.

Attacks the United States

S egún Ortega, Nicaragua is “under threat and aggression from the Yankee empire” and from “European colonization” who believe “we are a colony of theirs” and “want to dictate how we should behave ”and“ decide what kind of democracy we should practice. ”

“ They continue with their colonialist practices to dominate these territories to subdue and exploit them, ”he added.

Likewise, Ortega said that the president of the United States, Joe Biden, “should apologize for the crimes they have committed in Nicaragua and in the world “, after accusing Washington of constant interventions in the Central American country.

” If anyone should be in the International Criminal Court, it is the US rulers “He continued.

He recalled that former President Donald Trump declared Nicaragua a threat to the national security of the United States three years ago.

“Simply to have tools, to be harassing, to be applying sanctions, which are nothing more than aggressions,” he noted .

He accused the United States of speaking “nothing more with the stick” and considering Nicaragua its backyard.

He describes journalists as spies

During the event, Ortega thanked more than 200 “international companions” who participate iparon in the elections and of those who said “are not servants of the United States or the EU.”

Also , called journalists from “large corporations” “scoundrels” and spies who requested accreditation to cover the elections, which were denied.

“We know that they are employees of the North American intelligence agencies. Those do not enter here, “he remarked.

Regarding the elections, Ortega said that “the Nicaraguan people turned their heads by voting for peace” and that his government will continue working for peace and to strengthen reconciliation. Official figures set at 65. 34% participation in the day, which contrasts with independent calculations, which placed abstention at slightly more than 80% .

Read more:

Who is Rosario Murillo, the wife of Daniel Ortega, “co-president” of Nicaragua and what is her true power

Elections in Nicaragua: how Daniel Ortega went from being a “low-key” revolutionary to become the country’s strongman for 20 years

Biden sees “a pantomime election” in Nicaragua already threat to take action