Friday, September 20

VIDEO: With tears in their eyes and against their will they sell a girl in Mexico; beer and money was the payment

Presunta venta de niña en Cochoapa el Grande.
Alleged sale of a girl in Cochoapa el Grande.

Photo: Video capture / Courtesy

In social networks circulates the video of the alleged sale of a minor in the municipality of Cochoapa the Large in the state of Guerrero in Mexico .

With tears in her eyes and against her will, the girl is seen being sold. According to the complaints, the payment for the minor was beer and money.

· Read also: “They are going to kill him”, girl sold and raped by father-in-law fears for the safety of her father and family

The scenes show the alleged sale of the girl while people speak in their native language.

Just last October, before the sale of girls in indigenous communities, legislators asked the Government of Mexico to use “force of the State ”to support minors.

The PRI deputy, Ana Lilia Herrera, asked President Andrés Manuel López Obrador (AMLO) to comply with his role as head of the National System for the Protection of Girls, Boys and Adolescents (SIPINNA) and take actions to eradicate the sale of girls under the argument of uses and customs.

The PAN Eufrosina Cruz demanded that she not minimize the sale of girls arguing that these are “exceptional cases.”

“That we never hear a story in which they say they are exceptional cases, no story of a girl who gets married at 12 years is exceptional ”, he stated.

The Oaxacan legislator even recalled that she fled her community to avoid marrying the 12 years and pointed out that the uses and customs of the communities are their stewardship, their festivals, their languages ​​and their clothes, and not practices such as forced marriages and the sale of girls .

For her part, the brunette Martha Robles said that they are not against customs and customs, but practices that ruin the lives of women. girls by considering them as one thing.

Cochoapa el Grande is the same municipality where the case of Angélica was registered, which became known after the minor fled tra s four attempted rapes of his father-in-law, who claimed to be his owner because he was the one who paid the more than $ 5, 700 dollars to marry her son . After Angelica’s escape, the father-in-law demanded that the Community Police arrest the girl and return her money “plus interest,” which according to him already amounted to more than $ 10, 000 dollars (210 thousand pesos).

Angelica’s grandmother, Petra Aguilar Nava, from 70 years , and with whom the girl took refuge, she was imprisoned for not paying the required money; Later, the girl was also arrested along with three little sisters, but thanks to protests by human rights defenders, they were released while the man was arrested for the attempted rape.

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