Friday, September 20

Undocumented children with ITINs could receive help of up to $ 3,600

Niños indocumentados con ITIN podrían recibir ayuda de hasta $3,600

Photo: ROBYN BECK / Getty Images

If the $ 1 bill. . Undocumented children with Individual Taxpayer Identification Number (ITIN) could be benefited with tax assistance of up to $ 3, 600 dollars annually.

This after the bill repeals the requirements of the Insurance Number Social Child Tax Credit (CTC), which means that undocumented immigrants would be eligible for public benefit .

This would be considered one of the most important changes in the fiscal policies of the United States Government.

According to the Institute of Fiscal and Economic Policy (ITEP), These children are often undocumented , but they were not protected by the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017 promoted by the Republicans, when there were modifications to the CTC.

Also the American Rescue Plan complicated the claim of that extended credit, which could now benefit more than a million children according to ITEP estimates.

“These children are families of mixed immigration status who could benefit greatly to have these benefits just like all families, ”Ashley Burnside, a policy analyst at the Center for Law and Social Policy, told NBC News.

drafting of the law – which underpins agenda B uild Back Better – which would be approved under the Reconciliation process specifies that to apply for the credit, the ITIN must be considered, not the Social Security Number, although the final wording of that reform is pending, as well as amendments.

The Child Tax Credit is considered one of the “star” programs of the Biden Administration and its expanded version began to be distributed on 15 of July.

The aid to $ 3, 600 dollars for children under 6 years and $ 3, 000 dollars for children between 6 and 17 years.

“Approximately 39 million households, covering the 88 percent of children in the United States are scheduled to begin receiving monthly payments without the need for any other action, “he said. in May the Biden Administration on the program.