Tuesday, October 8

The United States Says It Will Not Stop Until It Knows Who Is Behind The “Havana Syndrome”

Antony Blinken, secretario de Estado de Estados Unidos.
Antony Blinken, Secretary of State of the United States.




The US Secretary of State, Antony Blinken , assured this Friday that is an “urgent priority” of your Government find out “who and what” are “responsible” of the “Havana syndrome”, as the strange attacks against US diplomats are known in several countries of the world.

This was indicated by the head of diplomacy by announcing a new director of the special task force of the Department of State, Jonathan Moore, who will coordinate the investigation of these incidents , whose last reported cases have occurred at the US embassy. .UU. In Colombia .

“These abnormal health incidents have left our our colleagues with profound damage (…) We will not give up until we find out who and what is responsible, “said Blinken in an appearance at the State Department , in which he used the official way of referring to these events.

Blinken urged officials and family members to report these “attacks” to facilitate investigation, and indicated that he had already met with several of them.

The “Havana syndrome”, whose origin is unknown, causes symptoms similar to those of brain injuries, dizziness, headaches and lack of ability to concentrate .

“We will do everything absolutely possible to end these incidents as soon as possible,” he added. .

Although he did not offer details about it, Blinken noted that the State Department is working with “new technologies ías ”to“ more quickly and accurately assess a variety of potential causes of these incidents. ”

“Havana Law”

Early October, the US president, Joe Biden, signed legislation dubbed the “Havana Law” , which states that the U.S. Government has an obligation to help those who have suffered those mysterious “attacks” .

The victims have been asking for more help from the US government for years, first from Donald Trump (2017 – 2021) and then Biden’s own.

More of 200 American diplomats and relatives destined for different countries have suffered from flame symptoms do “Havana syndrome”.

The origin and the person responsible for these mysterious “attacks” is still unknown, although some experts point out that radio frequency energy could have been used .

In addition to in Cuba, where the first cases were detected in 2016 and 2017, there have been similar incidents in China, Austria, Germany, and even Washington .

Trump accused in 2017 to the Government of Cuba of being responsible for what the US authorities qualified then as “attacks acoustic “or” sonic “, which served as a pretext for the then president to break with the diplomatic thaw with the island.

An internal report released early This year’s revealed that Trump accused Havana without evidence , and that mismanagement and lack of coordination dominated their response to these alleged “attacks”. Biden, for the time being, has avoided publicly singling out any country and his government continues to investigate the origin of these incidents.

Read more about the topic:

The United States takes the first steps to reopen its embassy in Cuba

Kamala Harris delayed her trip to Vietnam due to a possible incident of the “Havana syndrome” in Hanoi
United States investigates mysterious directed energy attack near White House

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