Saturday, October 5

Learn about the strangest divination methods to consult the future

Los psíquicos pueden usar como oráculos diversos objetos, entre los más comunes, se encuentran las cartas de tarot.
Psychics can use various objects as oracles, among the most common are tarot cards.

Photo: Orna Wachman / Pixabay

There are a great variety of methods to consult the future , the most common are astrology, tarot and numerology. But there are some that are so rare that it is difficult to believe that there are people who dedicate themselves to practicing them.

Divination, practice that consists of seeking knowledge of the future , could be considered as an art for the technologies and tools that are used as oracles. Palmistry, for example, uses the features of the palms of the hands , fingers and wrists to know the destiny and character of a person, photomancy uses photographs, geomancy earth, domination, dominoes, etc.

Then we tell you what are the rarest divination methods based on what they use as oracles .


It is about reading the future based on meteorological and cosmological events such as rain, wind, clouds, thunder or the passage of comets and meteors, as explained in an article AskAstrology .


It is the method that a book uses to know the future. The technique is simple, it consists of choosing a text, many recommend that it be sacred like the Bible, close your eyes, ask a question, open the book at random and place your finger on a line and read it aloud.

Champagne bubble reading

It is a technique that has become very fashionable. It consists of reading the figures that are formed when a glass of this cosmopolitan drink is served, according to Clarín. The projections reach a clairvoyant who is in charge of interpreting the images.


But reading the champagne bubbles is not the only one that uses a sophisticated drink as an oracle. Enomancy is a way of making predictions through wine. Its color, movement, taste and sound when making contact with the glass are some of the techniques used by those who practice this divinatory art.


It is a technique created by the Greek that consists of knowing the future of a person based on the sounds that his stomach emits.


It is probably the strangest and most disgusting method. Those who practice it use the excrement of a person or animal as an oracle. It is believed that figures are formed in the waste that reveal the fate of the person or consultant.


This method uses a piece of rotten cheese to guess the future. Those who practice it say that the more fungi and worms the dairy has, the better and more accurate it is. Will it be?

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