Sunday, September 29

Undocumented persons could travel outside the United States with a new immigration plan in Congress

Activistas han presionado a demócratas para cumplir su promesa de ciudadanía para indocumentados.
Activists have pressured Democrats to fulfill their promise of citizenship for the undocumented.

Photo: Kevin Dietsch / Getty Images

The new immigration plan in Congress would allow the undocumented to avoid the deportation , as well as being able to safely travel outside of the United States and obtain a driver’s license .

This is marked by the wording of the proposal of the so-called ‘parole’ or pardon for deportation that the House of Representatives included in the wording of the budget project of the agenda Build Back Better .

“(It could) provide Employment Authorization and travel to said foreigner “, indicates briefly the wording of the document agreed by senators and representatives.

The people who can apply for the benefit, estimated at 7.1 million, must meet several requirements, starting with the period of stay in the US, which must be uninterrupted I order before January 1, 2011.

This means that petitions will not be accepted for those who have been deported and returned to the country as undocumented.

Neither can those with a criminal record apply for the benefit , according to the guidelines of the Immigration and Nationality Law (INA), which will be reviewed by the Secretary of National Security.

“( The immigrant must) complete the security and law enforcement background checks to the satisfaction of the Secretary ”, it is limited.

Protection has time limited, since is for five years or until 2031 , whichever occurs first, that is, it can be renewed.

Depending on the organization America’s Voice, those eligible individuals have lived in the U.S. an average of 20 years, but have been excluded from the benefits of the safety net d.

Among those eligible, an estimated 1.6 million are ‘dreamers’; 360, 000 holders of Temporary Protected Status (TPS); one million agricultural workers and another 2.6 million who are other types of essential workers.

The plan must be submitted to MP Elizabeth MacDonough , who will assess the impact prosecutor of the same.

Activists criticize plan

The Coalition for the Human Rights of Immigrants (CHIRLA) expressed its frustration at the new migration plan, as it discards the path to 1345376782 citizenship for undocumented persons .

“I can’t beat around the bush when I see that the leaders our community has trusted to comply with immigration reform turn their backs on us “, Considered Angélica Salas, executive director of CHIRLA. “The North Star in immigration justice has always been a path to citizenship… Temporary solutions are not what the community expects or deserves.”

He stated that the Democrats in Congress, who control both houses, must take “bold” action.

“This is not the time for political calculations masked as procedural excuses ”, he stated. “Democrats are in the leadership of the White House and both houses of Congress and are wasting their best chance to leave a legacy by granting green cards to millions of immigrants living in this nation.”