Sunday, September 29

Kamala Harris will travel to France next week to strengthen bilateral relationship

Kamala Harris buscará en Europa reforzar las relaciones bilaterales con  Francia.
Kamala Harris will seek in Europe to strengthen bilateral relations with France.

Photo: Kevin Dietsch / Getty Images



The Vice President of the United States, Kamala Harris , will travel to France next week to fully recover the relationship with the Elysee after the diplomatic crisis of the submarines caused by Washington.

In his schedule of activities There is a bilateral meeting with the French president, Emmanuel Macron, as well as a dinner with the French leader and other leaders on the occasion of two international forums in which Harris will participate.

White House officials who spoke on condition of anonymity stressed in a call with journalists that the key message of the trip is “the importance of the relationship” between France and the United States and its international impact.

“In terms of our relationship , we have identified a number of areas around of the world in that we want to strengthen our cooperation

, we are determined to do so and the vice president is determined to carry out this work in a concrete way ”, he indicated.

According to the agenda provided by the White House, Harris, who will travel with her husband, Douglas Emhoff, will leave Washington next Monday and arrive in Paris on Tuesday .

On that first day in the French capital, the American vice president will visit the Institut Pasteur and meet with American and French scientists who are investigating against the covid- 19.

Wednesday day 11 , Macron will receive Harris at the Elysee for a bilateral meeting in which they hope to address various issues but which seeks to demonstrate that the “Franco-American alliance matters.”

Also on Wednesday, the eve of the anniversary of the Armistice of Compiègne that ended the military hostilities in World War I, Harris and Emhoff will visit the American cemetery of Suresnes, on the outskirts of Paris.

On Thursday, the Vice President will attend the Armistice Day ceremony and then participate and deliver a speech at the opening of the Paris Forum on La Paz, organized by Macron. In the evening he will attend Macron’s dinner with other world leaders.

The next day Harris will represent the US at the jointly organized international conference on Libya by France, Germany, Italy and the United Nations with a message of support for a “prosperous and stable Libya, free from foreign interference and capable of fighting terrorism on its borders.”

Harris will close his trip on Saturday with a meeting with the US diplomatic corps before heading back to Washington.

Harris arrives in France days after the bilateral meeting that Macron had with his American counterpart, Joe Biden, in Rome, which served to symbolically regain friendly diplomatic relations between the two countries.

In September, Macron called the French ambassador in Washington for consultations when the United States , the United Kingdom and Australia announced a defense pact behind the backs of their traditional European allies that caused Canberra to cancel with the Elysee a lucrative military contract valued at 54, 000 millions of euros.

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