Wednesday, October 2

Jihadist attack kills at least 69 in Niger

Gobierno decretó un periodo de luto nacional de 48 horas a partir del viernes.
Government decreed a period of national mourning of 48 hours as of Friday.

Photo: LUDOVIC MARIN / AFP / Getty Images

At least 69 members of the surveillance committee of the city of Bani Bangou, Niger, lost their lives after suffering a “terrorist attack at the hands of members of the Islamic State of the Greater Sahara (EIGS) “, according to local sources.

The attack occurred last Tuesday, but it was not known until the government confirmed this Thursday, explaining that “The provisional balance of the attack, which took place on 11 km north of Adab Dab village, about 50 km northwest of Banibangou, is of 69 dead, including the mayor (of Banibangou) and 15 survivors. ”

Before the event, a “search operation in the area” was established to try to locate attackers. Meanwhile, the Government decreed a period of national mourning of 50 hours from Friday.

Since the beginning of the year, presumed Jihadists have been the protagonists of bloody attacks against civilians in the Banibangou area and neighboring communes in the Tillaberi region, bordering Mali.

As an example, last January 2, 2021, 100 people died during the attacks on two cities region of. In August, Human Rights Watch estimated that there were more than 420 civilians who had died in these attacks since the beginning of the year.

This region is located at the border crossing between Niger, Burkina Faso and Mali, central since 2017 of terrorist attacks by groups close to Al Qaeda and the Islamic State.

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