Sunday, September 29

Honduran immigrant, who crossed the border as a minor, is charged with murder in Florida

La policía de Jacksonville dijo que Ulloa fue hallado deambulando cubierto de sangre después del asesinato.
Jacksonville police said Ulloa was found wandering covered in blood after the murder.

Photo: Joe Raedle / Getty Images

Yery Noel Medina Ulloa, from 24 years, he pleaded not guilty to charges of second degree murder and tampering with evidence in Duval County, Florida court in the brutal death of stabbing on October 7 by Francisco Javier Cuéllar in Jacksonville .

The Honduran immigrant was arrested for the fatal stabbing of a father of four in Florida and was indicted Thursday on murder charges.

Cuéllar , of 46 years, had welcomed Ulloa, who entered undocumented in Texas months before presenting himself as a 17 named Reynel Alexander Hernández, reported the New York Post.

Yery Noel Medina Ulloa, de 24 años, se declaró no culpable / Cortesía: Jacksonville Sheriff's Office
Yery Noel Medina Ulloa, from 24 years, pleaded not guilty / Courtesy: Jacksonville Sheriff’s Office

According to police Jacksonville, Ulloa was found wandering covered in blood after the murder.

Police said Ulloa was talking on a cell phone when officers arrived.

“Another witness responded to the scene and told detectives that he had received a call from the suspect saying that he killed the victim because he ‘ hit ‘”, according to an arrest report filed in the case.

“ Due to the poor telephone connection, the witness requested that the suspect send a text message with the information he was trying to say, “the report states.

” The suspect then texted him to the witness saying that he had ‘killed Uncle Francisco’. ”

Security cameras inside the house“ showed the suspect stabbing the victim on numerous occasions and hitting him repeatedly with a chair ”, the report relates.

Ulloa is not related to Cuéllar despite calling him uncle.

Police officers said they saw him throwing the bloody knife into the woods, prompting the evidence tampering charge against him.

Authorities did not learned that Ulloa was actually a man of 24 years until which was notified by the Miami Field Office of Enforcement and Removal Operations on 13 October.

Later, Ulloa was transferred out of the Duval Regional Juvenile Detention Center and transferred to an adult facility, authorities said.

It is not clear how Ulloa got to Florida after being detained at the border, but Cuélla’s daughter r, Marycarmen, said she believed he arrived on a flight that is part of a secret Biden administration resettlement operation.

The New York Post disclosed the existence of these flights last month, noting that Jacksonville is among the routes used in the relocation.

Ulloa’s court-appointed attorney did not respond to a request for comment Thursday.

Ulloa must return to appear in court on 20 of November.

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